I feel MK9 has vibes of but his mk9 story mode is extremely boring…until mk11, he becomes like classic villian, aged but badass+ charming with sexy voice~😁
Shang as Jafar,#Kitana as Princess Jasmine, as Aladdin

12 87

I am listening <Tornado >while rushing deadline now
Translation:"Love comes too fast, like Tornado,no time to escape"
Aaaah…Can't imagine how could I pull through the rushing deadline period without mk DLCs😂

7 51

I am rushing company's work about Father's Day, I reused some of the poses and drew this🤭LOL…Old father and Little Girl…👨👶

17 94

It is so fun to record life with comic
Key Points:
1.#Dragonball brainstorm
2.Praise mk11 mode
https://t.co/xgiOpFymul 9 's and Teddy bear
4.B-Day Journal
https://t.co/Mqz9FJvSy7 cooking skill😁

6 35

I am curious about how training
If players can play as The great Kunglao and Goro in MK12 to finish Liu and Shang's training in game, that would be a great interaction

9 55

God & Immortal, Wind & Fire, & (My favourite😄❤)
Never give up hope for their Mcfarlane toys… Please make more Figures!!!

11 55

Time is like a butcher's knife, No one can escape the ravages of old age…😂
When i 1st saw concept: "Wow, compared to another old man in MK, he is hale and hearty"
Hope he has a good story in MK12

9 59

天降尸雨(Corpse Drops)is one of my fav MK11 Shang skills, use scroll hit opponent with a fat explosive zombie!
encountered and in Konquest mode, but he didn't learn dark magic from them…he will regret it🤭

8 58

Movie:"I lost my daughter and champion😭"
I wanna see and interact with but 2021movie successfully skipped everything you want to watch…HUM!😑 The writers should learn how to write script from MK11 and animation film…

6 45

抹茶ロールケーキ & ドラゴンフルーツ千層餅🍴
green tea roll cake & dragon fruit layer cake

12 28

Keep away from my Masterpiece! 😠🔥

17 93

updated  new skins, the deluxe version is a suit. Now, 2 old men from 2 fighting games have already had their cool suit skins~😎
Shujinko, join them~👴👴👴

4 43

Fangirl and Fanboy~💀💀
Mk11 and MK Gold like wearing helmet very much…

14 98


I mixed and MK2 costume on
I am quite curious about what would young Shangtsung look like, when he was Earthrealm hero…🤭
Did Firegod Liu see him after Great Kunglao?

6 48

told they would meet again on island…
But they didn't!😑
Well…Maybe…They can meet again in mk12 Shangtsung's timeline…🤭(I really really hope)

5 52

Haha, they look like brothers in 🤭
If fights in the final boss fight, the battle must be legendary🤩
When will you two meet again?????

8 37