Alice Terry and her husband, director of “The Magician”, Rex Ingram

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The French called him “Malec,” roughly, “the hole in the doughnut.”

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Happy Birthday Theda Bara! Portrait draw with graphite on toned paper. Based on the photo by Albert Witzel Studio.

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無声映画 の保存、復元、上映に携わるフィルムアーキビストたちが「全米無声映画の日」 を制定。毎年9月29日。今後の展開が楽しみです。National Silent Movie Day

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old buster drawings! i need to watch more movies with him

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FILM OF THE DAY: is beguiling in this 1915 story of young woman who lives in the woods with eccentric grandmother who’s thought to be a witch. Beautifully restored from novel at times has hippieish feel to it

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It isn’t the original version but Werner Herzog’s Nosferatu The Vampire (1979) is still a fantastic film to watch! And it’s on tonight! , 01:20am.

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