i've read a majority of archie and one of my favorite aspect of the comics is how after a while, they really buffed up eggman to be legitimately horrifying villain. what he did to snively gave me chills and his logic behind keeping untrustworthy underlings is actually interesting

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And the fanboy aspects even continues. Giving himself "All the powers" so to speak, but now one can even say he’s created his own "OCs". You see the differences between him and Snively? But the biggest? He still DOES NOT HATE EGGMAN. He still wants to rule WITH him.


2 35

And unlike Snively, Starline has never been near as much abused by Eggman like Snively was. There was some moments were Eggman was cruel to him, but nowhere near the Snively abuse. Heck, Eggman even compliments Starline at one point.


0 31

Snively is Eggman’s nephew. His relative. And one who was ABUSED by Eggman. To the point Snively began truly hating him, and want nothing more then to get rid of him. The idea of Eggman suffering by his feet is what Snively wanted.


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I’ve seen some people claiming Starline from is just a "Toothpaste" Snively from and ..I feel this is a simplified look at both and a big disservice to both characters. Let me explain why I think both are great!


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Didn't Snively hate Eggman? I mean Starline still has his Eggman fanboyisms especially since he wants him to rule the world together

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these Snivelys make me feel what I can only describe as "internal bleeding"

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the virgin snively vs. the chad agent stone

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Mega Man X and Iris blaming "Snively" to killed Colonel (her Brother) (from Megaman series, and Archie Sonic comic books, Sonic the Hedgehog series)

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Plot twist. As Robotnik becomes Eggman, Agent Stone ends up becoming Snively! https://t.co/IyUNhP8ceJ

2 14

Yikes. Preboot Archie Snively’s final fate was kinda...dark.

6 26

Hmm... I don’t know... I mean, Snively is THE traitor in the Sonic series, And he isn’t as hated as some of the others.

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Dr. Starline reaction of Eclipse the Darkling (from Archie Sonic the Hedgehog, and Sonic IDW comic book series)

Eclipse: You look... familiar. (flashbacks of Snively)
Dr. Starline: Wait, do I... know you? (shocked) No... it can't be. (flashbacks of Mimic the Octopus)

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Snively is my favorite Eggman "right-hand man"/servant

Whereas Orbot and Cubot make Eggman look like comedic relief, and Starline makes Eggman look like an imbecile, Snively and his dynamic with Ivo portray Eggman as a scary threat and genuinely awful person to work with.

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I can't believe there are people who say "Starline is just a copy of Snively". When did Snively ever give off this kind of energy?

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So I have this AU where Snively was actually treated with respect by Robotnik. More will be posted.

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Snively's look of concern here is priceless

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Eggman has proven to be way more cruel. Aside from Snively, Satam Robotnik turns everyone into mindless robots. Eggman on the other hand makes sure his underlings FEAR him.


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