bro that design is making you look more like Cockbot right now

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yo why does 'Twan got the "omae wa mou shindeiru" going on

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I never want Dave Manak to draw profile view Sonic ever again

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OK so fun rumor about this panel, apparently, originally it said "Yo! Bee-otch!" in an earlier draft but had to be edited to "Yo! Bee!" in the final draft (right) after someone told Penders what "bee-otch" meant, and now in this re-issue we have this lmao

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oh hey it's a special on 3D Blast! I actually really like that game, I wonder who's writing the main st-- oh of course...

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elon musk and whoever invented cryptocurrency

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me when I read old Archie Sonic fight scenes

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Sally and Knuckles have SO much in common, like how their fathers are both manipulative, gaslighting piles of shit (which we will eventually get into, don't you worry!)

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y'know for the amount of times the writers have made Knuckles and Sonic bicker and fight over the most menial shit, I'm surprised they actually put 2 + 2 together here

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