Thinking about Duck Newton with natural anime blue style hair as a side effect of the Chosen powers and how he probably dyes it natural tones so people don't ask about it

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pov: ur in an alley a few blocks off of mcdonalds n this guy pulls up and asks you if you know where the department store with the cheapest nog prices is

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Aaaand it's the Clint version! With snowdrops (hope) for Merle and mock orange flowers (deceit) and thyme (bravery) for Ned.

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The Travis edition! Featuring the gladiolus (strength & integrity) for Magnus and the flor de maga for Aubrey (growth & courage, and Puerto Rico’s national flower).

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trying out designs for hollis and jake!

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oh here’s some taz stuff from this week! i finally finished all of mbmbam so i have gotten back on that adventure zone grind

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fanart! I wanted to finish this before Amnesty ended, but alas. The initial idea was to draw something for the player characters starring in the two long running campaigns at the time. Will get around to Travis' and Clint's characters too!

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the real reason they’re called the pine guard is that 8 out of 10 members is known to have pined for someone or something real bad at one point in their life. just ask mama - she’s been pining for some peace and quiet for years.

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Flaming bisexual thanks for the bisexual you have created one of my favorite characters in media in a couple years she makes me do this 💞

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I’m like 1000 years late but wow sure is something huh????

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