//=time() ?>
↳ “i took it as a taunt.”
wanted 2 practice colors... hrhrhnngh remiel TvT ✨
#remiel #oc #marshdraws
now for the main event... GAYASSES OC LINEUP??? FOR KIFER CITY????? >:000
#maecantos #ollieaferris #silas #ocs #oc #referencesheet #marshdraws #kifercity #oclineup
posting gay oc content in celebration of pride month POG!!! >:)
eris (butterfly) // @youdothctalking
orsino (hearts) // me
#orsinoamanti #eris #ocs #oc #doodleoodles #doodles #sketches #giftart #gift #marshdraws #comic
(1/2) cringe ass nae nae cursed emojis ;3c
#exodusffg #ares #cybildelphinus #vyneixlinseus #jaxtonmewcurio #cursedemojis #marshdraws #ocs #oc
🐰 lesbian day pog!! 🐰
#lesbiandayofvisibility #persona #sona #marshdraws
i am proud of the lighting and also the gay people :D
edric (demon) // @WindexNoises
#redric #remiel #edric #ocs #oc #marshdraws
angel boy to go w/ @WindexNoises’s demon boy :D
#remiel #oc #doodleoodle #doodle #sketch #marshdraws #referencesheet
wow iconic bfs :)
guy saying the f word (danny) // clef
#danielfrossard #dante #ocs #oc #giftart #gift #doodleoodles #doodles #sketches #marshdraws #catboy
listen to despair by leo pls qwq
leif (glasses) & vigorous // @softmushie
#rheif #rhymignacio #leif #vigorous #ocs #oc #doodleoodles #doodles #sketches #marshdraws
oc 4 @softmushie’s story (read: harem /hj) :)
cloud mailman at ur service :3 !!
#clyde #oc #referencesheet #doodleoodle #doodle #sketch #marshdraws
how bad could she Possibly be?? ;3c
kuro // @igetmadbitchesz
#kuro #gongagasmp #smp #minecraft #mc #onceler #giftart #gift #marshdraws
business comic 4 school nyehehe >:D
kuro (demon) // @igetmadbitchesz
chie (elf girl) // @AmaiChie
ajax (ponytail & goggles) // @Chirrae_
kodzu (short pink hair) // edie
#comic #kodzu #chie #ajax #kuro #lottienivens #gongagasmp #smp #mc #minecraft #ocs #oc #marshdraws
charotte wiltshire wid glasses... hrnngg kin 😭
#charlottewiltshire #hc #hellocharlotte #fanart #icon #marshdraws
art trade i did w/ someone on ig of their cute demon boy tj!! i loved drawing him sm 💕💕💕
tj // @/miunya_art on ig
#tj #arttrade #marshdraws #oc
ref sheet of my character in my friends’s mc series (gongaga smp) ^7^ ✨
im rly proud of this i luv da pose n ngl.. might update my persona ref 2 👁
#lottienivens #oc #referencesheet #gongagasmp #mc #minecraft #smp #marshdraws
fish idol boy silas is hereee :D 💖
#silas #referencesheet #doodleoodles #doodles #sketches #oc #marshdraws #kifercity
matching icons 4 me n da one n only @youdothctalking 🥺👉👈💖
ollie (pastel) // me
francis (pentagram earring) // ettie
#frallie #ollieaferris #franciswilson #ocs #oc #kifercity #giftart #gift #icons #marshdraws
thembo in crime town 🥳
#nix #dndoc #dnd #oc #referencesheet #doodleoodle #doodle #sketch #marshdraws