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On this one we did the high soaring #Hawkman of the Justice League. With @ToddNauck knocking it out of the part as usual. #PostitPopArt
#CarterHall #KatarHol #JusticeLeague #DC #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
And here's the #PlasticMan I did for today's @ToddNauck #PostitPopArt stream.
#PatrickOBrian #Eel #JusticeLeague #DC #PoliceComics #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
Aaand number 9 is in the bag! We did #WonderMan on today's @ToddNauck #PostitPopArt stream. He ended up looking a bit like Scott Summers but hey, that's comics!
#SimonWilliams #Avengers #Marvel #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
I'm in a #TMNT mood so I did some digital work on the #Donatello pic that I did during the @ToddNauck #PostitPopArt stream a few days ago.
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles #DuzMachines #Don #Donny #Donnie #Mirage #IDW #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
Today we did #Valkyrie, of the #Defenders on the @ToddNauck #PostitPopArt stream.
#Brunnhilde #Marvel #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
Today we did the hot headed Johnny Storm, aka The Human Torch on @ToddNauck's #PostitPopArt stream. Flame on!
#HumanTorch #JohnnyStorm #FantasticFour #Marvel #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
Today on the @ToddNauck #PostitPopArt stream we did the man with many names, aka #Wolverine! Probably my favorite X-Men character.
#Logan #Patch #WeaponX #JamesHowlett #XMen #Marvel #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
Today on @ToddNauck's #PostitPopArt stream we did the fast and beautiful #Cheetara!
#Thundercats #thundercat #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
Today on @ToddNauck's #PostitPopArt stream we're doing the master of illusions himself, #Mysterio! I guess I'll keep doing the big post-it notes since it's what I have.
#SpiderMan #Spidey #Marvel #QuentinBeck #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
Today’s Post-It doodle is Ninja Turtle, Donatello. Drawn in the classic animated series style for today’s @toddnauck art challenge.
Pencil, ink and marker on a light green Post-It Note.
#toddnauckartchallenge #postitpopart #comics #comicart #tmnt #ninjaturtles #donatello #art
Today the #PostitPopArt for @ToddNauck's stream is #Donatello! Still drawing on the bigger post-it notes.
#TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles #DuzMachines #Don #Donny #Donnie #Mirage #IDW #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
Robin sketch in marker on a yellow Post-It. Inspired by @ToddNauck and his #toddnauckartchallenge and #PostItPopArt #Robin #Batman
I started a little before Todd so here's my #PostitPopArt for the Robin stream that @ToddNauck is having right now! Drawing on a bigger post-it this time.
#Robin #TimDrake #Batman #DC #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
My submission for @ToddNauck ‘s new art challenge
#wolverine #videogames #toddnauckartchallenge
En Febrero, #MarvelComics, comenzara una serie protagonizada por la linda #GwenStacy. Será escrita por #ChristosGage que anteriormente trabajo en el titulo de Superior Spider-Man, con arte de #ToddNauck y con la portada normal a cargo de #AdamHughes.
Made this For the #ToddNauckArtChallenge
#Comics artist Todd Nauck gave an art challenge involving the Hulk & a #chicken, so #SuperChicken meets #Hulk ! Buh-kaw!
#toddnauckartchallenge #marvel @ToddNauck @MCRgh1 @AmericanMytho @Marvel @talltaleradio @NatCartoonSoc @PapercutzGN @IDWPublishing @ArchieComics @boomstudios
I think Impulse found himself a new friend! wonder what it'll be🤔 #ToddNauckArtChallenge #bartallen #theflashandatrashcan
#Marvel August Solicitations
#CosmicGhostRider Destroys #Marvel History #6
#PaulScheer @nickgiovannetti #ToddNauck, cover by #GerardoZaffino
Final issue!