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Today we did #DarthVader on @ToddNauck's #PostitPopArt stream. #MayTheFourthBeWithYou #MayThe4thBeWithYou
#StarWars #AnakinSkywalker #Skywalker
#ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
Here's my #Batman for @ToddNauck's #PostitPopArt stream. It's a mix of traditional and digital. Kind of a dull pose and pretty sloppy but here it is!
#TheDarkKnight #DarkKnight #Gotham #BruceWayne #DetectiveComics #DC #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt
Here's some colors on #Thor Odinson for @ToddNauck's #PostitPopArt stream.
#Marvel #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
Today we're doing #TChalla/#BlackPanther on @ToddNauck's #PostitPopArt stream. Wakanda Forever and all that jazz!
#King #Wakanda #WakandaForever #AlterEgo #AlterEgoWeek #SecretIdentity #Marvel #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
This time I did a more cartoonish version. Here's #SteveRogers/#CaptainAmerica . This is of course for the @ToddNauck #PostitPopArt stream.
#Cap #AlterEgo #AlterEgoWeek #SecretIdentity #SuperSoldier #Marvel #AmericasChin #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
I cleaned the picture up a little so it looks a bit better. The pic was also kind of a redraw of another pic I did about 1 year and 4 months ago so here's a comparison!
#PeterParker #SpiderMan #Spidey #Marvel #PostitPopArt #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt @ToddNauck
Took a stab at coloring the #PeterParker/#SpiderMan I did on this #PostitPopArt stream. Might end up doing more work on it. I wonder if @ToddNauck can figure out what I am referencing with Pete's clothes?
#Spidey #Marvel #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
Today we will be drawing #MegaMan on @ToddNauck's #PostitPopArt stream. I did mine early and I kinda like how this one came out, but this ain't my first time drawing Mega Man! Might color later!
#Rockman #Rock #BlueBomber #Capcom #Robot#ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
Space, the final frontier. Today we did Data on @ToddNauck's #PostitPopArt stream. Couldn't really capture his likeness but oh well.
#StarTrek #TNG #TheNextGeneration #StarTrekPicard #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
On this one we did #Robocop! @ToddNauck's
#PostitPopArt stream continues. I'd buy that for a dollar!
#AlexMurphy #PaulVerhoeven #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
And then we did #Sabretooth on the @ToddNauck #PostitPopArt stream.
#VictorCreed #Marvel #Mutant #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
We did a purple guy aka, #Thanos on @ToddNauck's #PostitPopArt stream.
#MadTitan #InfinitySaga #InfinityWar #Marvel #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
Today we did the vicious #Carnage on @ToddNauck's #PostitPopArt stream.
#CletusKasady #Venom #SpiderMan #Symbiote #Marvel #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
Today we did #Magneto, master of magnetism on @ToddNauck's #PostitPopArt stream.
#MaxEisenhardt #ErikLehnsherr #Marvel #Mutant #XMen #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
Today we're doing Black Lightning on @ToddNauck's #PostitPopArt stream. I went for the more classic look this time around!
#BlackLightning #JeffersonPierce #DC #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
Today we're doing #Robotman of the #DoomPatrol. But I cheated and already finished up mine right before the stream! Also a happy birthday to @ToddNauck! #PostitPopArt
#Automaton #CliffordSteele #Cliff #CliffSteele #DC #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
Today we did the blonde and blue eyed #Stargirl of the Justice League. With @ToddNauck keeping up the good work! #PostitPopArt
#CourtneyWhitmore #JusticeSocietyofAmerica #JSA #DC #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt #Stars #Star
On this one we did the high soaring #Hawkman of the Justice League. With @ToddNauck knocking it out of the part as usual. #PostitPopArt
#CarterHall #KatarHol #JusticeLeague #DC #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
And here's the #PlasticMan I did for today's @ToddNauck #PostitPopArt stream.
#PatrickOBrian #Eel #JusticeLeague #DC #PoliceComics #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt
Aaand number 9 is in the bag! We did #WonderMan on today's @ToddNauck #PostitPopArt stream. He ended up looking a bit like Scott Summers but hey, that's comics!
#SimonWilliams #Avengers #Marvel #ToddNauckdrawingchallenge #FanArt #PostIt