[Barack Obama] “is the founder of ISIS. He is the founder of ISIS, OK? He’s the founder. He founded ISIS. And I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton.” -Donald J Trump, 2016-

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Hello, Ms. Trump, I just finished this cartoon. If you like it, feel free to re-tweet. Thank you! "Democrats and Republicans". © 3-6-22, by D.L. Polonsky. Heads & background: colored pencil on Bristol board. Word balloons & text: Photoshop.

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David Welch selects fifty images to highlight the continuities and dis-continuities of mass-communication throughout history, be they images, events, films or something more subconscious...

From Trajan to Trump, 'The Story of Propaganda in 50 Images' asks - what comes next?

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Not sure If I fantasize about him drowning in tears more than Trump, but I do; it’s dirty and delicious.

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Putin, Lawrow, Putin's puppet Trump, Putin's mouthpieces Hannity, Carlson & others: Always projecting what you do yourself onto others. Projection, projection, and more projection. And inconvenient truths are always "fake news."
The Nazis were already successful with projection.

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Whether it’s inane questioning at a confirmation hearing, kowtowing to Trump, or just his general levels of being a jerk, does anyone actually like Ted Cruz?

Follow for more cartoons!

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R. Sikoryak exhibits at at Arts Festival April 2-3, Table A126! will be selling copies of Constitution Illustrated, Terms & Conditions, The Unquotable Trump, and Masterpiece Comics! https://t.co/lfinuWwtgF

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Donald Trump, out of office 16 months but lives rent free inside your head 24/7/365.

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Hunter's laptop is now Trump's fault 😂🤣 "It's Trump man, it's classic Trump, C'mon man!" - Joe Biden. https://t.co/oqFfw2fMRD

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Thanks! All Credit to — I love bringing back these old illustrations when I can find the right time. McCain, always a hero; Trump, a bone spur coward!
Also, from recent days!! https://t.co/YO07MKdud6

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“Just like her hero, Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene has gone to court and lost.”

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Putin, Trump, Lukashenko, Orban, Bolsonaro, Modi, Duterte, MDS... Johnson.

Tough times for right wing (wannabe) dictators.

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Hello, Ms. Trump, if you like this, feel free to re-tweet. Thank you! "War". © 1989, by D.L. Polonsky. Art pencil on Bristol board.

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Si antes salio un pokemon basado en Donald Trump, este esta basado en JFK

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Hey and

Who wants to explain why this isn't ok, but the pro-Trump, pro-cop bullshit is ok?

Are you outright saying that you support fascism and do not support the trans community? https://t.co/OdGLglp3tY

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Remember when Trump, Nigel Farage and Britain Trump did that human centipede?

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it's enough . . .

Ivanka Trump, Donald jun. and the Mob Boss,

all together, they are the


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hmmmm .... maybe it had some poisonous quills, and some tentacles on the tip of the trump, so that it can catch fruits and leaves easily

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