Dear Texans, what the hell is wrong with you to keep supporting lying sniveling spineless cowards?

42 114

debate on tv proceeds go to Veterans I dare you double dog dare you . Ted Snowflake said your too scared … the you won’t do it …

0 0

Today's 'toon: The best kind of security door.

7 18

Wasn’t sure if I wanted to do this because normally it would be so what? But the hypocrisy of the Grand Old Party, saggy tits and then my friend wondered if I’d give it a go. So…

23 61

Whether it’s inane questioning at a confirmation hearing, kowtowing to Trump, or just his general levels of being a jerk, does anyone actually like Ted Cruz?

Follow for more cartoons!

6 15

¿Lo recuerdan? Este fue y es , el "experto" en Democracia, preocupado en Cancún por una de las peores catástrofes climáticas que sufrían sus gobernados en Texas.

124 194

🖌️ Cartón por I Le preocupa mucho a Ted Cruz que México sea inseguro...👇

37 53

Hey folks! Got a progression on the Cruz toon. This one went through many concepts ✍️

0 5

Ted Cruz was right when he said of the MAGA mob that attacked the Capitol, -

His interview with Tucker Carlson

Tucker gave the Senator a verbal lashing!

Now, Ted Cruz is despised, by BOTH SIDES.

166 295

"Ted Cruz" is known as a cowardly—creep

Never is truthfully….his corruption—runs—deep

Bragged-in robocalls he was leading the—fight

Challenging—Biden’s win ..because Trump’s BIG—LIE was right

13 21

As a general rule, if I find myself in opposition to Big Bird, I pause and consider that I’m likely in the wrong side of the issue.

6 17