responsible for inciting an armed, terrorist attack on the Government of the United States

20 37

"Wonder Woman"

This is great. is even being shoved out of the headlines by FICTIONAL females.

"Wonder Woman"

1 1

Always the season for

Commits more every day

On January 20th this nightmare’s over

Then he’ll Fkin’ go away 🙌🥳🙌

😷 be good & safe - all

5 6

proves (to the world) that the distance between shoveling actual pig shit and shoveling Trump's lies, fascism, conspiracy bullshit & Nazi hate speech into American politics ... is not terribly great.

96 193

This could be an alternative for the DC NFL team. According to him there's n reason for anyone to take offense to this.

0 2

I created this cartoon before the 2016 election. It was easy to see this coming.

2 2

This is generally agreed by me to be the most frightening comic I could create. Vote Blue, no matter who, goddammit!

1 4

My latest 'toon: "Looking a grift horse in the mouth."

1 3

And the next day Nancy Pelosi sent in the health inspectors.

0 0

See what swiping right gets you?

1 3

He has dreams of Ivanka, too, but I ain't drawing THOSE!

0 2