OTD 1596 News of Spanish in Killybegs brought to Newry by Anne Willmar [Welsh woman], handmaid to Mabel Bagenal before her death. After spending 5 years at the heart of Tyrone's lordship she later suggested Queen would be willing to pay £10k for her info on Tyrone

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OTD 1600, Rev Wm Lyon, Bishop of Cork reported while Tyrone was in Munster 'had taken a full view of the harbours of Cork & Kinsale'. Was it at this point Tyrone decided on plan to land Spanish at Kinsale? Year & a half later Carew had lifted all Tyrone's allies-Munster pacified

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OTD 1597 news of Tyrone's proclamation in for the raising of 3,000 troops for 3 months. They would receive 1 month up front and be paid 12d per day. Morgan Kavanagh, a veteran of the Low Countries arrived to take up a command in the earl's army.

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OTD 1601 Scots merchant Thomas Douglas watched a Spanish officer drill Tyrone's pikemen in Dungannon. Surprised that experienced troops didn't use tight formation the Spanish officer replied that close order would 'avail them nothing' in constricted Irish terrain

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OTD 1594 Bad day for Bagenal as Art MacBaron's son (Tyrone's nephew) with 400 troops stole the marshal's stud, taking them over the R. Bann. Irish threatened to burn Carrickfergus, should have made good as Carrick was key staging area for English throughout the war

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OTD 1603 dark days for the Irish as Tyrone took refuge in the forests around Toome with just 60 men 'shifting his lodging both night and day' to evade capture. Worse, Cormac MacBaron, Tyrone's brother and possibly finest field commander submitted to Sir Henry Docwra

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Sleep well, all 💝

Kaze gets lonesome in his room sometimes. Technically not really allowed to go to Tyrone's room, but Tyrone has been gone for a week and he had to deal with an annoying baby sitter. Can't help it sometimes!

Besides! Tyrone missed him just as much in the end❤️

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OTD 1596 Confirmation of Mabel Bagenal, Countess Tyrone's death [Tyrone's 3rd wife]. Married in a protestant service in 1591. Tyrone was anything but a doting husband. His affairs and attempts to kill her brother drove her to return to Newry where she died age 24

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Meanwhile near Kinsale Mountjoy received news of Tyrone's further losses while retreating north from Munster. While attempting to cross the swollen waters of the River Blackwater (Co. Cork) 'lost many of his carriages, and had some 140 of his men drowned'

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OTD 1600 Mountjoy got tactical in the Moyry Pass as he sent 2 infantry regiments to assault the Irish trenches on the left flank. A demonstration by 5 regts at the barricades tried to draw off the Irish but the attack was strongly rebuffed by Tyrone's counterattack

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OTD 1602 Chichester took Tyrone's stronghold at Inishloughan. Held by 42 shot and 20 swordsmen, it had'2 deep ditches both compassed with strong palisades...high and thick rampeire..well flanked with bulwarks'. It had little chance against well-placed artillery

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Crown didnt' understand this wasn't about killing troops, Tyrone needed to deflect the proposed landing of large army on the Foyle. Crown forced to send new army to protect Dublin rather than threaten Tyrone's hinterlands-big picture thinking by Tyrone exploited English arrogance

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While in Dungannon Fitzgarret noted Tyrone’s stores; £2,000 of gunpowder and munitions. He also reported 'Scottish men making calivers and fowling pieces' These workmen had been sent by Alexander Stewart, a merchant of Glasgow, who also facilitated Tyrone's arms shipments

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OTD 1602 Mountjoy besieged Tyrone's crannog stronghold on Roughan Lough. The Irish put up stout resistance but surrendered when fieldworks and cannon were brought to bear. Captured English cannon were found inside likely those lost at the Yellow Ford 4 years earlier

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OTD 1594 Capt Henshaw fell into skirmish with Tyrone's bastard son Con. Attempting to recover a prey in assaulted on both sides by horse and 60 shot with 'diverse slain'. Crown troops ran out of ammunition and withdraw. They were lucky anyone survived

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1953: Death near Co Alice Milligan. Nationalist poet & writer. Brought up Methodist & studied . After death of Parnell became ardent nationalist. Described as 'best Irish poet of ... generation'. Active https://t.co/yhRAr0vHss

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2005: Death of Co Johnny Loughrey. Singer/songwriter. Country, ballads & easy listening. Successful in England & Ireland. 10 albums & compilation album. Son Shaun also sings. https://t.co/fOoBcXB2nz https://t.co/Xb2YYoePbA https://t.co/LmMhkGDSbD

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OTD 1596 Capt Dowdall reported Tyrone's had 'drawn the greatest part of their kern to be musketeers & their gallowglass pikes, they want no furniture neither of muskets, fowling pieces, calivers, swords, graven morions, powder and shot'..'how cometh?'-good question

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OTD 1594 Bad day for Bagenal as Art MacBaron's son (Tyrone's nephew) with 400 troops stole the marshal's stud, taking them over the R. Bann. Irish threatened to burn Carrickfergus, should have made good as Carrick was key staging area for English throughout the war

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OTD 1603 dark days for the Irish as Tyrone took refuge in the forests around Toome with just 60 men 'shifting his lodging both night and day' to evade capture. Worse, Cormac MacBaron, Tyrone's brother and finest field commander finally submitted to Sir Henry Docwra

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