OTD 1597 news of Tyrone's proclamation in for the raising of 3,000 troops for 3 months. They would receive 1 month up front and be paid 12d per day. Morgan Kavanagh, a veteran of the Low Countries arrived to take up a command in the earl's army.

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OTD 1603 dark days for the Irish as Tyrone took refuge in the forests around Toome with just 60 men 'shifting his lodging both night and day' to evade capture. Worse, Cormac MacBaron, Tyrone's brother and possibly finest field commander submitted to Sir Henry Docwra

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Meanwhile near Kinsale Mountjoy received news of Tyrone's further losses while retreating north from Munster. While attempting to cross the swollen waters of the River Blackwater (Co. Cork) 'lost many of his carriages, and had some 140 of his men drowned'

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This information came at a price as 40% of Williams' command were killed or wounded. Williams men also discovered that 'friendly' fire isn't. Withdrawing through the mist, supporting English infantry mistook them for Tyrone's men and opened fire, inflicting further casualties

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If you're looking for the lowest point for the Tudor crown in Ireland it starts around now. Senior officers reported they controlled only the large towns and the immediate environs of garrisons. The rest was Tyrone's. In a few months he marched to Cork & Kinsale unopposed

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One more thing for today...

I made myself a promise that Sept. 22nd would be Tyrone's birthday. Despite it sounding silly, I'd like to make birthdays for my characters and treat em accordingly.

Tyrone happens to like dressing up a little for the occassion!

Hope you enjoy :) ❤️

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OTD 1602 Chichester took Tyrone's stronghold at Inishloughan. Held by 42 shot and 20 swordsmen, it had '2 deep ditches both compassed with strong palisades...high and thick rampeire..well flanked with bulwarks'. It had little chance against well-placed artillery

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Crown didn't understand this wasn't about killing troops, Tyrone needed to deflect the proposed landing of large army on the Foyle. Crown forced to send new army to protect Dublin rather than threaten Tyrone's hinterlands-big picture thinking by Tyrone exploited English arrogance

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While in Dungannon Fitzgarret noted Tyrone’s stores; £2,000 of gunpowder and munitions. He also reported 'Scottish men making calivers and fowling pieces' These workmen had been sent by Alexander Stewart, a merchant of Glasgow, who also facilitated Tyrone's arms shipments

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The battle of the Yellow Ford happened in 1598 during the Tyrone's Rebellion.

The Irish alliance led by Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone, was victorious over the army of the English Crown led by Henry Bagenal.

Let's take a quick look at the tactics and units that were employed!

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In his report to Dublin Clifford didn't mention how close his army came to annihilation. The weather had saved them but so too had Tyrone's reforms. The Irish depended on firepower not axes, a small reserve of galloglass would likely have finished Clifford- but they were gone

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OTD 1595 Prodigious consumption of gunpowder by Crown & the war had barely started. 6 lasts (approx. 6 tons) issued in 2 months (also 2 lasts of powder for cannon). For an army even more dependant on firearms we can imagine the quantities used by Tyrone's men

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Burgh didn't think for a second he was leaving Conyers Clifford dangerously exposed out in the west at his siege of Ballyshannon. Burgh's withdrawal freed up Tyrone's blocking force. Hugh Maguire and Cormac MacBaron's troops streamed west to cut Clifford's line of retreat

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OTD 1593 Tyrone reported to Lord Deputy tha he had met with Maguire and got assurances from that he would disperse his army, Maguire 'faithfully promised me that...within these 5 or 6 weeks put them clearly from him'. Deceiving Crown to buy time. Most troops were Tyrone's own men

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OTD 1598 The commander of the Blackwater fort, Capt Williams was not the kind of guy to sit and take it. Slipping out of the fort, he captured 18 of Tyrone's mares 'which will serve him & his company a good time'- with horseflesh back on the menu fort could hold out a bit longer

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OTD 1596 As Tyrone's pardon is passed by the great seal of Ireland, a report suggest all is not what it seems. Claims that the peace was treacherously used by the Irish to gain time. New troops were raised and Irish get 'all such necessaries..as power and munitions'

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OTD 1587 Hugh O'Neill was confirmed as the 2nd earl of Tyrone. Should have secured Tyrone's loyalty but a year later with the survivors of the Armada arriving in Dungannon, ties were fostered with Philip II of Spain that were key to the outbreak of war in 1593

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OTD 1596 News of Spanish in Killybegs brought to Newry by Anne Willmar [Welsh woman], handmaid to Mabel Bagenal before her death. After spending 5 years at the heart of Tyrone's lordship she later suggested Queen would be willing to pay £10k for her info on Tyrone

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OTD 1600 Bishop of Cork reported while Tyrone was in Munster 'had taken a full view of the harbours of Cork & Kinsale'. Was it at this point Tyrone decided on plan to land Spanish at Kinsale? Year & a half later Carew had lifted all Tyrone's allies-Munster pacified

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OTD 1595 While Tyrone's modernised forces were tearing up Crown armies in the north, traditional forces remained the norm in relatively peaceful Munster. Estimate put numbers at 1,360 galloglass remain in the province.

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