Number 7 of
"About the OC's world"

The city of UNIX, where each robot gots no itty bitties till they got the munz for it >83c

That's fair, right?🤣

1 3

Here is how we fix no permission errors on Unix or Linux box ...

263 876

Computer historians crack the passwords of Unix's early pioneers

2 6

me_irl: Definitely not lazy, but I am a lazy Unix and Linux sysadmin ( ⊙‿⊙) Via

1480 4341

I love this one 😍 not sure about the artist tho.

173 620

今は亡き Sun Microsystems のUnixワークステーション。3ボタンのマウスは20世紀にして光学式のものがありましたが専用のマウスパッド(表面がツルツルでパターンが描かれている)が必要なシロモノでした

2 15


37 72

It’s a unix system, I know this! 🤣

196 632

Acer Chromebook Tab 10 少なくともこれくらいの絵は描けるので個人的にはイラストやる人にもおすすめだけど、イチオシとしてはやっぱりPC-UNIXをやって行く人たちにおすすめですね。

2 3

UNIX home sweet UNIX home. ... - *nix comic by .

1 3

me_irl: Definitely not lazy, but I am a lazy Unix and Linux sysadmin ;) Ha! Via

1141 2985

Awesome t-shirt. I like this concept Admins of the Galaxy - I am root. Imagine able to control Galaxy using a Linux/Unix shell prompt.

99 332

の新刊は、"File/Dir Hacks 〜POSIX原理主義者が教える最強データ管理術 ver.0.1(基礎編)"

バージョンやベンダの都合に翻弄されるRDB製品を一切使わず、File, Dir, UNIXコマンドだけで同等の事をする為の技術書

第7開発セクションさんと合同出展します。 ポプテピ&けもフレのツイート分析本他も

14 13

UNIX home sweet UNIX home. ... - *nix comic by .

1 2

(2017) "Mr.Unix & Linnux: QUESTION, MY MASTER": A small panel of these two guys, featuring my new OC character, and a reformed Linnux after the events of Rock Dog

Mr.Unix asks him a question that even I wanted to know when I watching the film, "why turn to cannibalism?"

3 19

(2017) "Mr.Unix": A new OC character created for the Rock Dog movie in my style and I personally love this guy

Mr.Unix is a rather smart & classy 30 year old British grey wolf that works with the redeemed Linnux, as both a bodyguard/servant/top fighter. He loves Linnuz also

4 32

I can do UNIX permissions all day long. Apparently roles and permissions are hard & confuse me

0 1


62 61