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My newest NFT is a powerful one to work on. A witch watching the Vatican Cathedral burning.

Now on

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GM 🌻
This masterpiece is in Vatican, which made by several Artists.

It's funny to tell you this story was one of my sources for creating my latest painting.🔻

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these thoughts are not approved by the Vatican

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Donatella and Vatican 1953

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“Se la gente sapesse quante ore ho sudato per realizzarlo, non mi considererebbe un genio.”
🎨 Michelangelo Buonarroti - Creazione di Adamo ( 1511 circa)
Affresco: 280×570 cm.
Cappella Sistina, Città del Vaticano

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La trasfigurazione di Raffaello databile 1518-20
È stata l’ultima opera eseguita dal divino artista
la troviamo nella Pinacoteca Vaticana

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Rafael Sanzio, Rafael. Autorretrato en " La escuela de Atenas". 1509-1511. Museos Vaticanos.

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Guido Reni. San Matteo e l'Angelo. Pinacoteca Vaticana

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- Michelangelo - (1475-1564).

"Jeremiah" (1508).
Vatican Museums in Rome.

Called by God to be the prophet of misfortunes, Jeremiah, with a sensitive temperament, suffers from the punishments and torments inflicted by the Most High on the sinful and unfaithful people of Israel.

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-“Bautismo de Constantino” Es la última pintura, obra de Gianfrancesco Penni, y muestra la ceremonia bautismal del emperador en el baptisterio octogonal de San Giovanni in Fonte (foto 4)

Deseo que os haya gustado este paseo por las Estancias Vaticanas.
Gracias por leerme.

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Dos GENIOS 👨🏻‍🎨 que nos miran 👁️👁️ desde "dentro" de dos de sus OBRAS MAESTRAS 🖼️ (posibles autorretratos de Rafael y Velázquez).

➡️ Rafael. "La Escuela de Atenas". Museos Vaticanos

➡️ Velázquez. "La rendición de Breda".

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Anunciando hoje o proximo projeto da Astergamers (, , ) El Ninja é um jogo de plataforma com foco na exploração, influenciado pelo computador MSX e jogos como Terraria e La-Mulana. É a sequel do Soviet Vaticano, jogo feito para uma gamejam.

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In Michelangelo's famous work of art on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, the finger of God is extended to the maximum, but the finger of Adam is with the last contracted phalanges. The sense of art is to explain that God is always there, but the decision is man's

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Kyuushou and Sirin are traveling together to Vatican City

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