Gave the website a facelift this evening! I'm glad I can do my own websites, otherwise this would have been a pain.

4 4

I have finished making "Rock-Paper-Scissors" game and will be publishing it soon.
In parallel, I fixed many errors in the editor.

10 33

The waves are shaking only with CSS🐳


Only CSS: Wave dots

18 86

This don't be left scratching your head on getting a website that performs commercially and technically. Talk to us and let our creative, strategic and development experts put the pieces together.

1 3

Latest updates to

✅ Added 14 new patterns
✅ Added 6 pattern set for download
✅ Included the GitHub star count in the navigation bar

4 3

Expressions and some Eye Flairs coming soon :0
I still can’t believe how much I’ve gotten to work. I’ve learned so much since I started this last summer! ☺️

10 73

Web Design & Development News: Collective

Primo * What the f*** is ...? * 3D Book Image CSS Generator * Event Delegation in JavaScript * CSS easing

18 44

🖼️ 🖼️
'The Monk.'
Computer generated artwork.

Do you like it?
I learn from your likes!

42 20

Introduction to Deno: A Secure JavaScript & TypeScript Runtime

5 2