Itu jalannya jadi kecil ya kak? Atau dialihkan, buseett saking lamanya saya wfh 🤣🤣

Bismillaah permisi kak titip jasa desain, hri ini moga2 bnyk yg order art,fee seikhlasnya tuk survive di masa sulit ini. Smg kita smw sehat & sukses selalu, amiin
DM/WA 0812 9042 1115

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A move I call "The Gorilla Bellows" that helps squeeze my bladder empty. Otherwise I'll have to pee 15 minutes later. A thing I discovered in my WFH life, and worry I'll forget NOT to do at the office.

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Let's face it, wfh ends up like this multiple times a day

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Hello! I'm Marina, I'm a 🇬🇧🇨🇾 artist from England/America. I have 7+ years of experience in book covers and character art. I'm looking for agent/representation & opportunities!


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Hi 👋 I’m a trans illustrator & comic artist, and I love telling spooky stories and using bright, colorful lighting in my work. Looking for agent representation & opportunities!


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One more post before it ends!
I'm Danny! I'm looking to be represented or just have general opportunities! I work in a style and absolutely adore fantasy and romance!

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I'm Fran Alvarez, an illustrator from Manila. Let's work together!


Big fan of nature, pop culture, childhood and play, and daily life. Open to intl representation.

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Hey I’m Vania, a Filipino-American illustrator in the Lancaster, PA area. I love whimsical dream worlds and ragtag kid squads who fight crime. 😄 Looking for agent representation and the following opportunities:


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HI My name is Kori and I would LOVE to work on licensed books and projects!

I love to breathe new life into an existing world and characters while staying true to the style and charm of the original work. I'm flexible on style and work in watercolor and digital.

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hi my name is natalie and i’m a queer chinese artist! i am looking for agent rep for i’m a good fit for and i have strong shoujo influence! TW blood


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I’m Dominique, a illustrator and elementary school teacher by day seeking representation and client work. I would love to illustrate stories + write my own stories.


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Hi 👋 I’m a trans illustrator & comic artist, and I love telling spooky stories and using bright, colorful lighting in my work. Looking for agent representation & opportunities!


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Hi again! This is another example to show how I mix a painterly style with realism, fantasy, and character to tell a story. I always look for stories in all my illustration work — even in portraits.

Interested in: cover, cover, spot

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Hi I'm Kori and I'm open for in the indie game, board game, and RPG communities!

I specialize in backgrounds, 2D assets, and character design and love quirky projects. I've worked for multiple small games, and can provide a games portfolio upon request.

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After 7 years of self-publishing LGBTQ+ comics, I'd love to bring my experience to traditional publishing! My specialties are character portraits, book covers, and sequential art.

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hello 🌈 i’m a queer filipino-american illustrator looking for an agent & opportunities.


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I’m Dominique, a illustrator and elementary school teacher by day seeking representation and client work. I would love to illustrate stories + write my own stories.


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