画質 高画質


48 449

Los invito a mi server de Dis
Allí pueden leer todo el cómic desde el principio, así pueden saber que pasa ahora.

En link está en mi perfil.

0 42


268 1696

lulaw & haikaveh for dis month on patreon

193 6202

how do u animate
whats dis
do u know how difficult was to
-you know
separate every single hair thingy
also I rendered the non shown leg lmao
miku you're a clown

2 36

Wip ikan cantik 💜
who dis? 👀

2 46

Many times ppl tell me "I missed ur comics, how 2 buy?!" "Y I never hear about dis!?" "Sirk feet pics pls?"

Don't let this happen to you! links in reply!

12 61

Babu! Cw // Heavy nsfw

Ehh mas wrio nenennya gede banget 🥺 sini aku kenyot t3t3k besarnyaa 🥺 sama aku sodok depan belakang sampe ngiler sinii 🥺 sampe nenennya tumpah tumpah pas nungging waktu dis0d0k 🥺

2 21


23 37


126 370

本日1/20(土)発売の『デュエル・マスターズTCG エキサイティング・デュエパ・デッキ「不敬なり!真邪眼騎士団」』にて『煉獄大帝 キング・ロマノフ』『Disゴリアス』を描かせていただきました!よろしくお願いします!

123 316

finished colorin dis one
fly that butters

9 71

i work on dis outfit pls hang out with me !!

4 50

1 start the year colorin dis one

72 434

dis wan, start from looking at the empty spot of the cover and i feel something was not enough. so i add Kobo among them and it exploded till i got Kobo dm-ed me...
truly thank you, that was my first time having personal interaction with one of holoh3ro.. 🙏✨ https://t.co/4dqPiow2BT

12 239

new pc who dis

484 4649


0 9