“Does the sea feature in your WIP?”

Um, Henny goes to the beach in Volume 4.
Once. 😅
That’s it, that’s all I’ve got.

1 7

“What is the furthest your MC’s ever been from civilization?”

Beneath the Snow:
The title is the answer for Twyla here.😂

The Soul Must Go On:
Amy’s in the In Between. That’s far.😂

The Chronicles of Henny:
Henny camped.😅

1 10


But but but I love them all!!!😭😄😉💖


Honestly? It's my WIP2 MC's Aunt. She's a deeply complex but ultimately heroic,righteous & super strong character!!! I could write pages and pages of everything that makes her pure awesome!!!😍😍😍

2 15

“Do you have a favorite author/writer of humor?”

I discovered some rib-tickling fellow authors of humor on Twitter that I adore to this day!😁
Listed in order of appearance:

3 11

“What is your favorite humorous book?”

Garfield compilations!😃
They have ISBNs, therefore they are books! 😂

0 7

Day 1: Ran across this on a different social media sight. It is too good not to share.

2 5

Day 28:

You should know by now that the first draft is not perfect. How many rounds of edits and/or revisions do you normally do or would you expect to do?

0 1

Day 26:

Writers are told all the time to "Show, don't tell." What does that mean to you? Bonus points for an example from your WIP.

0 2

“Which of your MC’s companions influence their course of action?”

Beneath the Snow:
I think antag Horace does.😳

The Soul Must Go On:
Mystery Pal.😁

The Chronicles of Henny:
Cpl. Poopers.🙄

3 7

Day 20:

Some people will buy a book for its cover or because it is by a favorite author. Some need to see what it is about, first. How important is the blurb to you, when deciding to purchase a book? Give us a quick blurb for your WIP.

0 2

Day 14:

Happy Pi day everyone.

How much does food factor into your WIP?

0 2

D12: Real life tech: Do you line up for the newest gadgets, or just replace them when they die?
I don’t get a mobile phone signal in my house so the newest tech is too advanced for where I live. Also, I’ve found a rut & I’m happy with it.
I can type. That’ll do.

1 2

Day 12:

Real life technology: Do you need the latest and greatest or use what you have until it no longer works?

1 3

Day 10:

Archetype: Gatekeeper - someone or something that tests your MC proving they are worthy to take on the task.

What in your WIP provides an opportunity to test their abilities or grow in strength?

1 4

Day 8:

Archetype: The Mentor one who provides the tools or training to face the central problem.

Who or what in your WIP serves as a mentor?

1 3

Day 6:

Yes, this is a social media platform.

How does social media affect you?

Why do you use it?

Two questions for your Friday.

1 3

Day 4:

Beta readers are almost essential in the revision process. I am thankful for my beta reader.

Do you or would you beta read for other writers? If so, what genre do you prefer?

1 5

Day 2:

Now that introductions are over, let's get into the questions for the month.

Tell us about your WIPs, at least as many as can fit in one tweet.

1 3

Day 25: SPOILER ALERT! What’s your MC doing right now?
Nothing she’d want me to tell you about.

1 3