Excalibur takes us out of Otherworld... and into the Underworld. Thank goodness for small favors!
It's Episode 032!

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Paying off our Taipei subplot, and hammering rent-a-mercs with lightning! Another fun issue of Marauders to chat up on and nobody even pops a cork!
X-Lapsed, Episode 031 - Marauders

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Our heroes fight a spider-mech and have the same revelation about their enemy they've already had twice!
It's Episode 030 and we're wrapping up the Dawn of X, Wave One with Fallen Angels

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Well... that didn't take long. Welcome back, REDACTED!
We sure took the scenic route to forge a sword... but, we're here now. Oh, and more power-damp(en)ing fun!
Episode 029 chats up X-Force

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Betsy Britain and her "Beautiful Brother" Brian Braddock (that's a lot of B's) "X" their swords in Otherworld. Meanwhile, Shogo's a Dragon, and Ayyyyy recruits a new member.
It's Episode 27 talkin' Excalibur be there, or be square!

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A thankfully Kitty-less issue of Marauders puts the series back on track. It's a Shaw family reunion!
Episode 26 talks Marauders waxes nostalgic for the Upstarts, Mall Cons, Marvel's failed relaunch of EPIC Comics, and more!

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Botany was never quite so "radical" as this...
X-Men takes a stab at comedy... well, I *think* it was supposed to be comedy. Join me as we (don't) yuk it up on Episode 026!

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Wrapping up the Dawn of X on... a pretty sour note. Have ya heard the one about the butterfly? Cuz, ya will... a few times!
It's Episode 024 - talkin' Fallen Angels

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The kids go on trial, and wind up remanded to an old pal... and his most annoying better half.
We talk about losing touch with friends, coping with not being a comics' target audience & much more in Episode 22 of (it's New Mutants by the way)

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The story of Excalibur is one that falls very much outside of your humble host's wheelhouse... but, does it deliver nonetheless? What does Mallory's boyfriend Nick from Family Ties have to say about it? (Not much)
It's Episode 020!

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Island Hopping with the Summers's's's... and we find out Krakoa's favorite Spice Girls song!
X-Lapsed kicks off the Dawn of X Wave One/Issue Twos with X-Men

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Evening re-announcement, because last time it got me one or two additional downloads!
Episode 14 discusses the very fun

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After a day away, returns TOMORROW with Episode 12, where I'll *finally* be wrapping up the Discussion!
I'll be jumping straight into from there!

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Going to be recording the first episodes of over the next couple of days, and really want to hear everybody's thoughts on the revelations from the second-half of the event!
Please hit me up (here/email/DM) so I can share them in an upcoming episode!

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X-Lapsed will return Tuesday with a wild discussion I had with myself about House of X If you're interested in catching up, and have around three hours to spare, please consider checking out the Archives!

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X-Lapsed, Episode 2 takes us into the far-flung futures of the X-Men... and totally out of your humble host's wheelhouse.
I'm chatting Powers of X on

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After 30 years as an X-Fan, I now find myself in the odd position of "new reader". Join me as I fumble & stumble into the HoX/PoX era and try and make sense of a property I used to know inside & out!
It's X-Lapsed, Episode 1 - House of X

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