Getting ever-closer to with the issue of Marauders that has Banshee and Tempo on the cover. I swear, it feels as though this one was first solicited *at least* 5 years ago! Was it worth the wait? Welllll...
X-Lapsed, Episode 247 - Marauders

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Original-Recipe is back, and we're wrapping up our time with the COTA kids!
Plus - X-Tended Mailbag, Shout Outs, Marvel Previews (Nov, 2021) and much more!
X-Lapsed, Episode 244 - Children of the Atom

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The "August Season" of wraps up at the flagship... a book that, so far, feels like an event every time out!
X-Lapsed, Episode 242 - X-Men (vol.6)

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Through gritted teeth (due to some dental work) we head off the beaten path for a look at a Wolverine guest-spot in
X-Lapsed, Episode 240 - Shang-Chi (vol.2) [LGY#129]

6 10

It's the
Your humble host gets personal for the first 45 minutes... briefly chats about the issue... then sends it to a whole bunch of wonderful voicemail messages! Thank you, everybody!
X-Lapsed, Episode 239 - Wolverine (vol.7)

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The dust of the continues to settle in the THREE-HUNDREDTH overall episode from the family of shows!
X-Lapsed, Episode 234 [LGY#300]

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The Secret's Out! Original Recipe is back with a look at a surprise penultimate issue!
Plus: Marvel Previews for Sept, an X-Tended Mailbag, and another "plea for dissent"!
X-Lapsed, Episode 227 - Children of the Atom

5 9

The July Finale is quite possibly the most awkward episode of yet! It's another "Just the X, ma'am" look at a recent overpriced Marvel Anthology - which your humble host felt missed the mark a bit.
X-Lapsed, Episode 226 - Marvel's Voices: Pride

4 8

The *most* difficult episode of ever! If I weren’t so close to a full year of daily podcasts, this one might’ve led me to, in the words of - moving into the woods to live deliberately
I *really* don’t like being negative about x-books… this was a toughie

1 8

Trade-Waiters and catcher-uppers... it's your day!
Our X-Books continue to meander and do their own thing... at least there's only one issue of Fallen Angels left!
The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode 06 - Dawn of X, Volume 5

2 3

Celebrating the nine month-iversary of with Li'l Nate and Scott chatting about whether or not the "Old Man" ought to come back.
Also, a look at the X-Books set to drop in July!
X-Lapsed, Episode 197 - Cable

6 7

Waiters of Trade, it is your day for
In the third DoX Anthology... the wheels might've just begun to fall off a bit. New Mutants on the Farm, Hordeculture, and Fallen Angels is still a thing
The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode 4 - Dawn of X, Volume 3

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The final regular episode of (until my April books arrive) might FEEL like it takes 100 years to get through, but I assure you - it's only because time flows differently here.
Let's bust out of the Vault!
X-Lapsed, Episode 185 - X-Men (vol.5)

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Celebrating another milestone - this time with amateur dentistry and a little "bot 'n grind".
X-Lapsed, Episode 175 - Hellions

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steps off today to check in on, of all people... M.O.D.O.K.?! Gwenpool gets stabby, Skids gets razzed and the Big Head in the Chair gets... likeable? Wait, that can't be right...
X-Lapsed, Episode 174 - M.O.D.O.K.: Head Games

6 9

Today goes off the beaten path... and a certain dark feline crosses it. Fun times in Madripoor ahead!
X-Lapsed, Episode 173 - Black Cat

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It's Anthology Day at
Another "Just the X, Ma'am" look at an offering from the Initiative - featuring Dani Moonstar and Silver Fox
X-Lapsed, Episode 172 - Marvel's Voices: Indigenous Voices

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Our modest little Facebook group is picking up steam - just shy of 50 folks in there sharin' and chattin' about our favorite (and not so favorite) Mutants!
If you do the FB thing and wanna talk X-Stuff - please consider popping in!

5 7

If you only listen to ONE episode of today... it should probably be this one! Shoes just MIGHT be starting to drop!
X-Lapsed, Episode 167 - Marauders

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Wrapping up the Dave Thorpe run... and setting the (Crooked) table for what's to come!
- Marvel Super-Heroes (UK) (1982)

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