There were a few Chuck Yeager games, I think I had the very first one, I never really got on with it as it jumped from Plane 2 Plane quickly, but the flight model was very good

8 26

This game I played tonnes, Defender of Rome Lite Civ game, with Chariot races, Gladiator battles, Naval battles, and a Lite strategy mode ala Total War

6 31

II on the amazing RTS game and the beginnings of the C&C series, lets mine some Spice.

14 67

Another classic dungeon crawler on the and that's Black Crypt, amazing visuals in this game, really pushed the Amiga, had a really cool map that updated as you went, great monster designs.

7 53

Getting near Eyes#halloween Ghost so how about some on the Mistress of Darkness, this is a 3D Dungeon Explorer and there's an Arcade game also, I like both of them.

6 22

The Settlers on the was some what of a turning point for games, I think many games after this used the Settlers as a blueprint, its no wonder this series continues to day.

8 69

on the is amazing, stunning visual style, the great music, and the real time gameplay based on the internal clock of your Amiga, one of the best games on the system

7 48

One of the best games on the was Utopia, a city building, Colony building game set in space, Settle, Expand, Discover, Defend, Conquer

16 78

My A500 was always 1.2. Had that thing for ages before I finally got an A1200. (I was addicted to Hired Guns. I wanted the extra sound-fx and to stop swapping disks.) 😄 I never found anything that didn't like KickStart 1.2, as compared to 1.3. 👍

0 1

What a classic, hundreds of hours playing Eye Of The BeholderGrinning face

24 112

WaxWorks is an game, a Horror Dungeon crawler with lots of death sequences and interesting story, reminds me of Darkseed a bit, lots of adventure to be had.

10 45

This was such a crazy game on the the visuals, presentation, I remember buying this originally and getting lost and frustrated but what a world, the boxart was also really good.

5 19

I loved the Creatures game, I never played the version because C64🤮, but I had many hours of fun on the version

7 18

I was blown away by the visual of this game, Heart of China on the the game tries to incorporate a few different play styles and genres, much like a Cinemaware game.

8 45

Going through the is like going through the greatest games of all time, another classic Beneath a Steel Sky, a dystopian world with stunning visuals, also has a had Remaster edition

9 34

One of the best Platform games on the Amiga is it would also play some of the music from the movie also, a really decent Platformer with great humor and animation.

11 36

Amazing game, all those Jets to pick from, not as in depth as other Sims and lacks missions, but you get to see all those cockpits.

7 24

Very much a Console like game, Pegasus on the Amiga, you fly, ride a dragon, then platform your way to the end, looks amazing.

12 29

Loads of detail in Walker, was always fun blowing up the Lemmings or moving back and forth stomping em, different time zones, good game

9 23