DODGY ROCKS - Crazy high-speed endless arcade thing-dodging in an style!

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Pre-order your copy today!

13 26

Racing games, Shoot 'Em Ups and Shooters, Fighting games and Beat 'Em Ups, Puzzlers and Racers! Do you have a favorite Genre?

10 39

Benefactor is a game from it looks a bit like Lemmings and plays like Mission Impossible, the little characters are really well animated, it's available on also.

6 19

Inviyya - A seriously cool Amiga Shoot Em Up is coming, now with BOX ART and exclusive Screenshots!

27 67

TV Sport games presentation are incredible for the time on the problem was I had no idea how to play American Football, what's 4 and 10, then years later you see it's like Rugby accept the ball goes forward

5 34

One of the best Platform games on the Amiga is it would also play some of the music from the movie also, a really decent Platformer with great humor and animation.

4 34

This plane is amazing it's just a giant gun that happens to have wings, Flight Simulator games on the are perfect, this one is not over complicated & had you blowing up stuff fast

5 31

An absolute classic on the I would play this game for hours, it had such and awesome sense of speed, only problem was the half screen, which was fixed in 2

13 59

This game I played tonnes, Defender of Rome Lite Civ game, with Chariot races, Gladiator battles, Naval battles, and a Lite strategy mode ala Total War

4 38

WaxWorks is an game, a Horror Dungeon crawler with lots of death sequences and interesting story, reminds me of Darkseed and Elvira a bit, Spooky.

8 30

Game: First Contact
Media: Magazine advert
Year: 1990
Platform: Amiga | Atari ST

Buy this historic game at:

4 5

Never played this, but it looks awesome, came out in 1996 so a later release, you get loads of GFX options like a PC game.

3 18

This was a good racer, It tried some good 3D although it was pretty slow, but back then you didn't really care it was still playable, I liked how the 2D lean worked in this game

7 31

Here's a game I played on the and its a game where I hadn't a clue what was going on or what to do. Captain Blood, it looked pretty though.

11 31

This game was amazing for the it was so ahead of its time, a 3D game which ran pretty fast, with different character's and loadouts to pick from.

13 50

Loved this game back in the day on the it's Shadowlands, 2D RPG where you control 4 characters on a fantasy adventure, it has an interesting Light mechanic which affects gameplay.

11 34

EON AMIGA AGA - Shadow of the Beat inspiration is coming to an Amiga near you

29 68

I think the struggled with beat-em-ups, and the consoles really ate away at the Amiga because of it, there were a few, but the lack of buttons and to many poor conversions of arcades

10 51

Here's another classic game, Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis, another amazing P&C game, such a great genre on the Amiga, this game only came on a few disks😀

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