'The Gods from Outerspace" was a comic book based on Erich von Daeniken's 'Chariot of the Gods" book.The Ancient Astronauts are getting in on the action in ancient Babylon.

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'The Gods from Outerspace" was a comic book based on Erich von Daeniken's 'Chariot of the Gods" book. The Ancient Astronauts are battling hybrid beasts in Atlantis...

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'The Gods from Outerspace" was a comic book based on Erich von Daeniken's 'Chariot of the Gods" book. The Ancient Astronauts are burning the Nazca symbols into the rocks

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Am alien race came to earth during an imminent universal war to become the gods of ancient times. SKY GODZ, the animated series is their story...

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Namtar is an Anunnaki royal contesting Anu's throne on Nibiru and eventually becomes Enki's arch nemesis.

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Clean-up of Namtar, an Anunnaki royal, is contesting Anu's throne on Nibiru and eventually becomes Enki's arch nemesis.

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Enki, prince to the Anunnaki throne abd Anu's favorite child, was chosen to continue with the genetic creation of modern humans.

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Flying humanoids are not just a modern phenomenon but existed in Hindu mythology as a bid-man being called Garuda.

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'The Gods from Outerspace" was a short-lived comic book based on the Chariot of the Gods book.
The Ancient Astronauts etching the symbols into the Nazca mountains...

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The Anunnaki Maputo base has many scientist, officers and engineers. Here's a mix of female/male and younger and older officers.

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Recreation of a classic Indian Vimana, a Vedic flying temple. Mythology or were there such flying devices?

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Akhenaten's wife Nefertiti was an orherwordly breauty, looking up to Sirius, the brightest star in the sky.

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Enlil, son of Anu and brother of Enki, is obsessed with becoming a god which is rhe harbinger of great conflict on earth.

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