An has sold! 🕊️🕊️🕊️ bought for 0.25 ETH (680.86 USD) by bigrips805 from error007

1 2

I believe every holder should own an as well. Two projects go well together! 🌈🌈🌈

44 118

An has sold! bought for 0.04 ETH (109.86 USD) by PsychoZodiac from jonnspring

1 2

An has sold bought for 0.09 ETH (243.31 USD) by fearzone from somethingxs

1 2

where's my fam @?

Always glad to be apart of a strong community! Especially when its 100% organic

9 37

An has sold bought for 0.06 ETH (179.31 USD) by TropicalDude from MLION

1 1

An has sold bought for 0.06 ETH (179.31 USD) by DDamiaNFTs from zdhype

1 1

Avius Animae has been flying this past days was a 0.01 mint and went as high as .09 fp , now is going up again !!

0 1

SWEEP for IMPACT 🧹 ❤️ Buy a floor and post below, RT, and Repeat! Let’s make this the most impactful tweet yet! 50% of profits go to charity! 50 RTs and I sweep the floor! GO!!

13 25

An has sold 🕊️🕊️🕊️ bought for 0.20 ETH (544.98 USD) by 0xda50b5 from 0x1d399e

1 3

An has sold bought for 0.22 ETH (629.00 USD) by imfers from BTiller

1 2

I want to follow the entire family!🌈 Drop your Avius below 👇 and RT! 🔃 Let’s make this the biggest Avius Animae Train and ROCK Twitter! LFG!! 🆙

20 46

"Half of mint profits to be donated to an organization that supports and uplifts the LGBTQIA+ community." 🌈

4 14


Super excited to announce that „VENDITIO ANIMAE“ has been sold to . What an honor for this piece to be part of your collection❤️🥳

Thank you so much for your support!

32 122

ancheSeAvolte unTuoAbbraccio.
MiSfiori parole, conLaTuaVoceSentoVibrare

16 58

Ooh I love that animae! I would love to draw them for 40$ each

0 0

I mean, I can draw them, but I wanna see someone else on Twitter draw them as bffs.

0 1

"I am the only true hero." He said, damn. (Also have this cursed pic)
Bf and Pibby designs by:

1 4