since this is trending apparently

First Anime: Pokemon
Last Anime: Fate/Apocrypha
Best Anime; Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood/Kaguya-sama: Love is War
Worst Anime: Pokemon BW wasn't great when I was 10 and it hasn't aged any better since.

0 3

Happy Ending Anniversary 😇 (S2), Universe, Baka and Test (S2) and Gurren Lagann is a classic anime that PIERCES THE HEAVEN! But is a close 2nd fave.

4 8

Bienvenidos a un nuevo hilo de curiosidades anime; y puesto que ayer hablamos de Naruto, hoy le toca el turno a su eterno rival, Bleach.
Abro hilo 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

11 55

No matter how burnt you are on anime; There will always be that one(or few) anime you can still rewatch and enjoy. For me that would be Lucky Star, Wotakoi, and New Game. These shows are always my go to when I need my spirits lifted and usually gets me back into watching anime.

1 20

I was looking forward to Record of Ragnarok anime 😁

It's a of course, it has a very simple 🤨

To know more about this anime and my review, go to link in bio!

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Thank you for the art support!!

I’m Rosie and a digital artist that loves to draw in multi-fandoms especially Nintendo and anime; sometimes occasional OC. My goal right now is my first 500

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I made this drawing for my friend; I tried to play with the light 🥲

(P.S: I haven't seen this anime; I did what I could😅)

5 8

Hola, soy Chiisa Yanagi, un placer!
Artista digital, hago ilustraciones con aire/estilo anime; a veces practico con otras técnicas de coloreado. También hago emotes y directos en Twitch.🤗

1 2

Mimi es tendencia en España y, aunque no se refieran a esta Mimi, comparto una imagen del mejor dueto de hermanas en el anime; Sheshe y Mimi de Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch ❤️💙

2 7

𖦹 ﹏ pasta no Pinterest com vários png icons de anime;
쇼 a thread! 🍰

232 915

Hey hey everyone! I'm Nat/BK, a struggling STEM major who loves to make traditional art. I love Nintendo games and anime; I basically draw what I like when I like it!
I'm mostly active on Insta, but I'll post art here and definitely repost funny stuff.

3 12

I Colored Them! (つ≧▽≦)つ
(I did it better than I thought! I'm so happy >.<)
Anime; Pandora Hearts
Characters; Break Xerxes (Kevin Regnard), Sharon Rainsworth

2 10

Since it's Dragon Quest's 35th anniversary, I wanted to make pixel art of my favorite character, Daisy from Dragon Quest Abel Yuusha Densetsu (such an underrated anime; it's not that well known like the Dai anime).

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➥ Escolha UM personagem de cada anime;
— a thread

140 883

Altro anime che vi consigliamo di vedere anche in vista delle prossime olimpiadi è che parla di uno sport decisamente poco esplorato negli anime; la ginnastica maschile.
La serie è disponibile su conquistandoci subito :)

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⌲Dicas de decoração de Anime;

⎙a thread

931 4330

Happy Anniversary👑#GoldenKamuy (S1), (S2), Reservoir Chronicle and The best is definitely Golden Kamuy. It has great animation and story; although, OPM's plot is the start of it getting very good.

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Happy Anniversary👑#DemonSlayers (S1), (S1), (S2), and Arc-V and YuGiOh! D-Team Zexal Of all of these, KNY and HQ are the best in the list: best of 2020 and best of sports.

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Hanajima Saki 🤝 Imai Hotaru
Anime; Fruits Basket / Gakuen Alice

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