"No, just Dot. Call me Dottie and you die."

166 836

"We'll be in your care, Dr. Scratchansniff."

17 76

A ship that deserved a better ending (like in the manga). A reboot is a must! 💯#DarlinginthefranXX

3 6

"You have an older brother?
He must be kind and caring to you!"

139 566

Thank you for the art share! Here’s Panty & Stocking from New Years Day this year to Animeniacs Dot from a couple of weeks ago! Super hype about my growth!


2 15

Wakko's Wish arc in season 2 was 10/10 👍
The journey to find out their past was more than just an adventure...!

35 137

Awwww yis! I had to draw the animeniacs, how could I not! This one was lots of fun~

1 6

Finally sharing this! I made a background-free version/vector of the Anime-niacs some time ago in October I believe. Here is the final result. This took about 3 days to vector out, but I absolutely love how it came out! :)

6 34

Anime Wakko artwork looking pretty faboo. Technically this is complete BUT I want to add a background (I was thinking of doing a JoJo's style background) but I was just too eager to show this off. Please share if you think it's good. RT's are free after all :D

17 44