Attraction Refraction (Self Portrait through a kaleidoscope)
2016, oil on canvas
Private Collection, London


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It's so here are some more of our new artist members! Work featured here from , , Rachel Newton and
Welcome to the ArtCan family! ✨🥂

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Better Red Than Dead (Self-Portrait through a kaleidoscope)
2016, oil on canvas
Private Collection, London


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We have more new artists to introduce to you! Here is work from Anne Kerman, , Brian Reinker and Catriona Coulter 👌
Welcome to the ArtCan family!

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We're delighted to introduce some of our new member artists! Here is work from Ana Monteiro, Beverley Issacs, David Winston and 🙌

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Between Somewhere and Nowhere, 2012. Mixed media on canvas, 2 metres x 1.5 metre. This painting hung for several years in the bar in West Dean College, and now resides with a collector in Cleethorpes.

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It's 🍸and you can support 200+ artists globally by becoming a Friend of ArtCan for as little as £30 a year. Join our community to get access to our exhibitions, artists &special events - visit now!

Work here from

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I'm thrilled to announce that my painting "Lorraine and Sophie in the Green Room at the Last Gig Before Lockdown" has been selected for the Ing Discerning Eye exhibition!

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Geraldine Molia has an exhibition of her work on show with - you can drop by the showroom between 14th - 18th September for a glass of sparkling wine, and the exhibition runs until 23 December 🥂

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Our first featured artist from 'Vienna Calling: All You Need is Love' is the brilliant Brigitte Lichtenhofer-Wagner with: "You and me nr.14"
We hope to see you in Vienna!
25th September - 9th October at Atelier COOLPOOL

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More of our new artists! Here are works from Caroline Wheaton, , and - welcome to the ArtCan family!

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You've been underwater with me before. This time I've upped the heat, & enjoyed myself with these warm
(Acrylic on canvas, 60 cms square)⁠⁠⠀⁠

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"Maiko, Kyoto"
I glimpsed this beautiful geisha as she was rushing to her evening appointment. I've wanted to paint her for ages & am pleased with how she turned out!

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⁣I'm going Virtual!!! Well, my art is ... ⠀
It's really exciting - in these challenging times is putting on a full VR exhibition called "Transient". You'll explore rooms filled with art - it's going to be great, and it opens soon!!!⠀

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‘W’ is for 'Wtewael', who painted this wonderful and slightly weird 'Judgement of Paris' in 1615. Paris is a simple shepherd but is really a prince in disguise... Find out more with over on our Instagram page today!

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'R' is for Rubens, the master of rippling flesh. spoke at length about this painting for a National Gallery podcast several years ago. You can listen to her thoughts at the end here:

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