Ben 10 Albedo Aliens - Cybertronian

Due to the Genetic Damage that this sample has, the base transformation is a protomorph.

6 23

I haven't updated my art pinned tweet in so long Jesus Christ!!

I'm Trailmix, and I art decent. I am NOT taking commissions because i messed up my paypal.

1 14

K-10 Faunatrix Aliens - Stagrachnid

The Faunatrix's sample of a Bloodweaver, from Lepidopterra

4 22

Gwen 10 Aliens - Chromedome

The Omnitrix's sample of a Conchtugan

2 16

Gwen 10 Aliens - Duststorm

The Omnitrix's sample of a Hanarain Sapian (Xallian-C)

6 28

Benzarro Zombitrix Aliens - Fragment

The Zombitrix's sample of a Petrosapian

6 18

K-10 Faunatrix Aliens - Warhog

The Faunatrix's sample of a Ziboson, from Khoros

2 14