Agosto 2020
imagen de perfil de Detective pikachu como sprite de pokemon mistery dugeon, un lapras realista para un reto de internet.

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Agosto 2020
Tohsaka Rin Extra, Oscar la oveja, para el con tematica de animal skater, una Pudu skater, un OC en un reto de twitter.

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Agosto 2020
Celebrando el dia de Miku con MikuAgumon, una versión humana de como Gatchboy, un Gatchmon, un para appmon chip.

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Here's a side by side of the colored sketch and the finished version ☺️

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i made my own version instead of using a template this year and it was p a i n
second version is just other drawings i liked :3c

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a little late on this trend but these are my favorite pieces from 2020!!

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Helloooo, my name is Mallow, I made this account to post my art bc the other one is shit-post after shit-post
Here are a few pieces i'm very proud of

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2020 стал годом, когда я спустя почти 4 года начала рисовать. И все рисунки связаны с ❤️❤️❤️
- они сделали практически весь год
- лучший мальчик
- изобрели любовь
- куда брат, туда и сестренка))

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Some pixel work from 2020. I've learned and improved so much from experimenting and messing around with color palettes. I'm sure you all have to so let's bring in more heat for this year 🔥💪

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Totalement mis le dessin de côté après octobre, j'ai pas pu finir l'année en beauté avec de nouveaux artworks. Mais je reste optimiste pour 2021 !

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finally got around to do this. Did not draw anything on august because all I did was working on a game.

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