Want to see me go from calm to furious? This is how it's done. I really need to double check my egg count before I start baking.

Check out my Patreon: https://t.co/cbrtXkoH1h

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There is such a disconnect between my brain, and my fingers. The only reason I can draw as well as I can is because I started practicing when I was 4, and never stopped.
Check out my Patreon: https://t.co/cbrtXkoH1h

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I hate having to defend myself for being in my 30s, and being childless. Not everyone needs to have kids!
Check out my Patreon: https://t.co/cbrtXkoH1h

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Sitting down, and doing nothing does the opposite of relax me. I have to be doing SOMETHING, even if that something is just scrolling through social media
Check out my Patreon: https://t.co/cbrtXkGhSP

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My hatred for those loose hairs that hang in front of my face burns with the hot intensity of a thousand suns!!!
Check out my Patreon: https://t.co/cbrtXkGhSP

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Happy Autism Pride Day! Autistic people shouldn't be ashamed of being autistic. We should be proud!
Check out my Patreon: https://t.co/cbrtXkGhSP

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Hi anxiety! I see you're back to amp up my paranoia, and just make life more stressful in general!
Check out my Patreon: https://t.co/cbrtXkGhSP

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Nothings brings me joy like my husbands misery! Wait, that came out wrong! If I see that my husband is really depressed it's like my brain focuses on the goal of cheering him up which lifts me out of depression
Check out my Patreon: https://t.co/cbrtXkoH1h

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I get the zoomies sometimes. I get a lot of cleaning done during those episodes!
Check out my Patreon: https://t.co/cbrtXkGhSP

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The number of social engagements we've had to leave early because of me... I know I shouldn't feel guilty, but I still do. Thankfully my husband is super understanding.
Check out my Patreon: https://t.co/cbrtXkGhSP

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Well, how am I supposed to look?! I've gotten this before, and not always in these words.
Check out my Patreon at: https://t.co/cbrtXkoH1h

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Text conversations take so much concentration for me that once more than one is going on I basically have to drop everything.

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