"Autistic" shouldn't be an insult. There are people I've suspected to be autistic but I'm too afraid to tell them because they may be insulted since "autistic" has a long history of being an insult.

9 37

I'm so glad that I married such an empathetic person or I'd be so lost when it comes to my own emotions. Thanks to their help I've been able to put words to more and more of my emotions that just confused me in the past.

9 30

No, essential oils can't cure autism no matter how much the Hunbots say it does. Don't let the MLMs fool you.

6 18

Never, and I mean NEVER tell someone "we need to talk" without giving proper context. "We need to talk" means something's gone wrong. Seriously, having someone say "we need to talk" to me fills me with so much dread and anxiety. Please don't do it!

22 57

I'll never understand why people believe that all autistic people are exactly the same, or fit within every autistic stereotype. "You can't be autistic because you're not exactly like Sheldon Cooper."

16 53

Back when life was, you know, normal, I liked to get all my housework done by 10AM and then get to work. However if I got it done by 10:05AM that was it. The day was wasted. Might as well just go to bed because it was pretty much bedtime anyways!

7 23

Don't you just love it when everything feels like it's your fault, and the more you overthink it the more it seems true? I sure don't!

7 22

It's not uncommon for me to either trip over my words, forget a word, or mess words up. Even when I'm relaxed and happy this still happens. It can be really frustrating, and embarrassing, but definitely more so when someone reacts angrily, or mockingly.

6 20

As tiring as social interactions can be I find them to be fun, provided I'm with the right people. I often find myself excited at the prospect of spending time with good friends, although usually I still will need time to mental prepare before hand.

3 22

I can get so easily overwhelmed through my sense of touch, so some days I just can't stand being touched because I'm already on the verge of overstimulation thanks to my clothes and hair. It why I wear loose clothing, and often keep my hair up.

4 16

I have gone through my entire life with people misspelling my name, and it drives me up the wall! It's because of this that I do my utmost to make sure I never misspell anyone else's name, so they don't have to suffer like I've suffered.

3 14

Never ask me for an honest opinion if you don't want one, please! It'll just make both of our lives easier. I will answer 100% honestly, and I will be confused if you get upset.

6 26

Not only do I have issues with volume control, but I have issues with tone control as well, so I've been told that I sound angry when I don't even realize it. The problem with not realizing that my tone sounds one way is that I can't catch it in the future.

3 19

I am all about symmetry especially with my sense of touch. If I step on a bump with one foot I need to step on it with the other foot. If I stub a finger on one hand I have to stub the finger on the other hand. It can be a bit annoying...and injury inducing.

1 12

More fan art! This time from the marvelous Ara! I love this so much! It shows how us autistics may not express much on the outside, but deep inside we have so much going on! Thank you for this wonderful art Ara!

1 5

For some reason there are people who believe that all autistic people are exactly the same despite age, gender, upbringing, or just, you know, personality. Every autistic person is their own person with their own personality.

4 14

My mind is a cavalcade of random information, most of which will never help me in day to day life.

0 13

So often now we're pushed to turn every hobby we have into something that can be monetized because so many of us just don't make enough money to survive. Hobbies should be used to make us happy, not stress us out when they don't pay the bills.

4 16

Whenever I do something that accidentally hurts the feelings of others I have a lot of issues when it comes to forgiving myself. I don't know if this is a behaviour learned from a past abusive relationship, or if I just really hate myself.

2 13

Golly gosh! It's almost like living in a society that doesn't accept you is hard or something!

I know that there are other reasons why we autistic people have difficult lives, but society certainly doesn't make it any easier.

2 11