Revealing war crimes is not a crime.

3866 8870

"The government's lying to you..."
Bootlickers: "Heh. Conspiracy theorist."
Assamge: "... and here's the receipts."

0 0

La ministra dell’Interno britannica, Priti Patel, ha ordinato l’estradizione negli Stati Uniti di Julian ASSANGE, che con la piattaforma Wikileaks online svelò documenti secretati del governo americano provando numerosi crimini di guerra...

9 15

Julian Assange es anticomunista.

17 225

Julian Assange, culpable de...

Publicada en hace un tiempo.

364 922

If we want a free press, we must free Julian Assange.

340 822

Results from the first where we discuss and speculate about alternate and additional things to put into PP.
Antarctopelta gnawing on bones, Maevarano animals drinking from a puddle, Tarbosaurus hunting at night and Tarchia with croc passangers...

138 749

¿Por qué Washington –el mayor promotor de golpes de Estado del planeta– dictamina qué régimen es democrático y cuál es una dictadura? ¿Qué autoridad tiene el país que encarcela a Assange para hablar de libertad de prensa?

El imperio es poderoso y cruel, pero está en decadencia.

2078 3990

UK: Email your MP to sign EDM1177 - Campaign to oppose extradition of Julian Assange to the USA

63 128

Julian Assange and began publishing the – detailing abuse at the Bay detention camp 11 years ago - 40 Years of the 175 year sentence faces are a direct result of this release

79 124

🖊 SIGN & SHARE before 18 May!

has launched a new petition urging UK Home Secretary to refuse extradition and ensure Julian Assange’s release without further delay.

221 327

Kristinn Hrafnsson: „Vor 16 Monaten hat dieses Gericht entschieden, dass s Auslieferung ein Risiko für sein Leben darstelle und einem Todesurteil gleichkomme. Jetzt hat dasselbe Gericht auf Anweisung beschlossen, dieses Todesurteil zu verhängen.“

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