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yes, #paleostream, and also always, it was great and fnuuy
Scimitar billed nukupu'u (w/ owl and that ibis), Ana(r)chronornis, Warkalania (and it's stare) and Icthyoconodon (also known as the controversial mammal)
#paleostream, just that
Moropus, Supersaurus, Piatnitzkysaurus and Spicomellus
From today’s #paleostream,onchopristis,funcusvermis,st Elena giant earwig and alverezsaurus
#paleoart #sciart
Results from the first #PrehistoricPlanet #paleostream, where we discuss and speculate about alternate and additional things to put into PP.
Antarctopelta gnawing on bones, Maevarano animals drinking from a puddle, Tarbosaurus hunting at night and Tarchia with croc passangers...
Results from the #paleostream, we started working vertical today!
Rhaeticosaurus, Dreadnoughtus, Pinocetus and Dasyceps.
#paleoart #dinosaur #sauropod #amphibian #whale #plesiosaur #sketch #sciart #scicomm
Have been thinking about small ornithischian during #paleostream, so here, take some :D!!!
#paleoart #sciart #dinosaurs #ornithischian #birds
Sketches of the #paleostream, I didn't have time to finish them
But, it was fun to participate again in the Stream
Decided to try and join a #paleostream, learned that I haven't drawn an ankylosaur in so long that I had no idea what I was doing.
We played Broken Picture Phone in the post-#paleostream, some of the better images.
Fun fact: The Penis Joe one was originally a open chest with ammonites feasting on it, but is was too afraid, so i censored it.
I was very hungry during the whole #paleostream, but I really enjoyed it; Chilesaurus, Alamosaurus, Heracles and Rhomaleosaurus.
Cleaned up sketches from tonight's Flocking Together on #Paleostream, featuring Sinomacrops, Styxosaurus (personal fave of the night), Mekosuchus, and Plesiosuchus!
20 minute sketches from tonight's flocking together on #paleostream, featuring Halszkaraptor, Carnotaurus, #Saivodus, and Simolestes
A couple of sketches I did during the #paleostream, really today's stream was really entertaining and I think at the moment it was my favorite
Results from the #paleostream,
Kaprosuchus, Supersaurus, Spectrovenator and Melosaurus.
#paleoart #dinosaurs #temnospondyls #animals #sketches #art
So, last night i was watching in @JoschuaKnuppe discord his #Paleostream, and i made this 2 draws:
An Eoarthropleura being devoured by an primitive giant Amphibian.
The shell of an long death Baculites.
My stuff from the lightning speed silly #paleostream, think I got some pretty good jokes here
Results from the #paleostream, I was sleepy, so it only became 3.
Einosaurus, M. trogontherii and Kompsornis.
#paleoart #dinosaurs #mammoth #birds #sketching #sciart
I really liked drawing in today’s flocking together #paleostream, so here is my stuff!
Finally participated in a #paleostream, had an amazing time and doing those quicker sketches is great practice (still gotta practice those tho)
Omindens, Rutiodon, Aegirocassis and Incisivosaurus (I'm sorry)
I'll properly draw Aegirocassis at some point, love the sketch
I only managed to make it to the beginning of @JoschuaKnuppe’s #paleostream, but here are the two pieces I made in th time I was there!