A pair of celestial beings finally find harmony among the stars! 5x7s AND 8x10s of this are available in my shop!

32 121

"Built a whole solar system once, a dozen planets an' all. Loved 'em all, obviously. But my favorite, my absolute *favorite* - that was Caprica."

35 153

Part III of comic “First time” 🐝 Aziraphale begins to like what is happening (https://t.co/3B5lagDPaN - Part II)

7 69

French Revolution is my favourite historical period from good omens. And what is your ?

48 293

(Part II) I keep trying to do a little comic “First time”. This comic won’t have a schedule, I will post it as I do. Oooops!

12 147

I am trying to make a little comic “First time” 🍆 just for lulz ( I adore inexperienced curios Crowley, who doesn’t know about reproduction).

18 161

There was a famine during the French Revolution. My fanon that Crowley brought Aziraphale food

30 160

Hello! I, uh, posted my first Good Omens fic!
It's called Angel Music Box and you can check it out here!
It's based on this drawing I did for the zine!

5 17

So here we go, the beautiful outlines are from the amazing dostopochtennaja (tumblr) and she was so kind and let me colour it. Go and take a look at her page, she´s awesome!

6 28

I went home to get a spare graphics tablet. I think she also had a problem but in the end she is working fine and I was able to draw something for you. """""""#aziraphale "#aziraphalexcrowley

1 27

Today's piece is a redraw of one from over a year ago. Hopefully you can see how much I've learned about art since then!

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