Estuve dibujando mientras escuchaba los op, soudtracks y endings de Digimon, y se me vino a la mente mis Digimon favoritos de cada serie, del Adventure (1) al Frontier (4)
1. Patamon
2. Veemon
3. Beelzemon
4. Lobomon
Cual es tu Digimon favorito? 😁

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Gotta be my lad beelzemon, he’s just badass

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We're gonna slap this badass together! Beelzemon model stream begins now. Welcome to the Meat Palace!

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¿Os hemos dicho que nuestro artista favorito es Kenji Watanabe?
A él le debemos el estilo tan personal y salvaje de nuestra franquicia.
Uno de los padres de tiene ilustraciones potentísima como esta de Beelzemon de uno de sus digimon favoritos.

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"Say goodbye, chump."

- Beelzemon/Beelzebumon probably

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The toy gun turns into a new weapon, Beelzemon's eyes turn green, and he got a pair of wings! A subtle, but pleasing visual upgrade.

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Really love this part where you see Impmon running and then you suddenly see Beelzemon as his leg comes into shot.

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Schwarz Bruder reaction of Takato Matsuki getting mad, angry, and furious after Beelzemon (Impmon) killed Leomon causing Guilmon to become Megidramon (from G Gundam, and Digimon Tamers series)

Schwarz: You Fool!

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Requested by: totalwarciv on Twitch

Him got big eyes, all the better to see u with

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Continuando el de artes curiosos del antiguo de uno de Beelzemon.
En este arte podemos ver un Beelzemon con alas azuladas, sin embargo, el Beelzemon alado es el Blast Mode, y esta carta es del Beelzemon normal, además de faltarle el cañón del BM.

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Gotta be my inspiration from .hack and Digimon. I have an alternate form that heavily resembles Beelzemon! Frankly though, I'd say the thing that sets me apart is more my personality and chaotic attitude rather than just my design.

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ohh my actual human/tamer oc is in desperate need of a redesign but!! this is his bestie who's a beelzemon that masquerades as a human and has been affectionately dubbed "Bellzy"
he plays detective in the human world trying to find why the two worlds have collided

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Beelzemon's card art has NO reason to go as hard as it does but I'm glad it exists

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"Hello Akainu from One Piece"

"Hello Beelzemon from Digimon Tamers"


I'm not sorry

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