If you’re looking for a superhero who goes with the flow, protects others and creates happiness, Agent Joe is here! Inspired by J. (age 16), designed by Harleen Jester.

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KWK fait peau neuve pour cet été !

Une belle réalisation de la part de 😍

Et vous, un avis ? 👀


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In the end, the only person you can rely on is Yourself..

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What my says to me March 16 - Hop to it and believe 'cause it's true! Lovable, loved and cool YOU are!

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Believe in you
もち歌詞は全部覚えたよ( *¯ ꒳¯*)


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Your thoughts are yours~ you can always come back to the happy ones and let them shine 😊☕🌼

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