Day 8: Bird feeder+Pen/pencil +Evil Within+Léonardo
I had a lot of fun making this. Ruvik would have a bit of trouble getting rid of Léo, he’s a stubborn sharpshooter.

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Live agora!!
Vamos jogar PS4 e ver o Demo do novo Final Fantasy 7 Remake! Chegue junto no meu canal, traga um salve e ganhe outro! Benvindo a minha casa!

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Benvindos á conta em língua Portuguesa da Cellar Chateaux! Estamos de momento a fazer um jogo platformer estilo 8-bit, "Sondro Gomez", e convidamos toda a gente a experimentar a demo, que tem opção para escolher a língua- é só ir a e jogar!

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Benvictor/frankenstrike:i like the big gauntlets and shoukder tower thingies but gkd omnivers benfrankenvictorstrike got hit with the ugly stick HARD i actually like his omni look alot other than the face tbh but it rly drags down the design for me still tho a qaulity boi ben/10

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Today I can show you my art for The Evil Within Zine <3

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Benvinguts de nou a "com d'òbvies i queer puc fer les meves referències aquesta vegada"

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Here's the full image which makes up the front and back. Benvinuto a Jurassic Park!

Full scan here:

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Found via image search unsure oif artist, possibly Meyly.

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Bienvenidos / Benvinguts a la comunidad a

Conocedles <3

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