Hello! Do writers count? I'm a writer and amateur artist. Currently working on a story called Bloodflower Blossoms https://t.co/pb0zbbrijE that updates weekly. I'm also teaching myself how to draw! The blonde is actually one of the protagonists of this story!

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"There's always something new you can learn from anyone you meet... it's so exciting!"
Meet Prince Shuba from Bloodflower Blossoms! He is a daydreamer, avid reader, and aspires to be an adventurer.

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I've been going through some artwork from 2017 lately. That year saw my first big burst of small mixed media pieces, of which 'Bloodflow' (inspired by the Alt-J song Bloodflood) remains one of my favorites.

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Bloodflowers  ニンジャヘッズのゴーストとか他に知らないわ。

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