4 of Caribbean marine discovered in brackish waters of Tamiahua Lagoon (Mexico) & described in the genus <Sigambra>.

Study: https://t.co/iJghEVBjoB.

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Toxotes jaculatrix is an archerfish that can capture insects by spitting water to throw them off leaves overhanging the brackish waters he lives on. It was my first thought for this week’s

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The title for the image file is bRUTHA. Anyway, working on worldbuilding their mostly dark ocean/brackish swamp/magical glowing algae home.

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I just took part on It's been quite a while since I participated in one. I'm still getting the feeling for quick sketches like these, not exactly great
1) Azhdarcho fishing at dawn in a brackish lake
2) Three Sachicasaurus approach the water's surface

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Let's see how this twitter thing goes by uploading some classic art!

I fell in love with when came out and ended up devouring every piece of ID4 media out there. Including Silent Zone ❤❤

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http://t.co/XtvTpTVXLw rough concept of the Brackish Abyss: the 150k Stetch Goal on Witchmarsh. Long way off though!

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