Off theme sevengill shark for Sorry I disappeared for a while. Took a long break from socials!

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Our Snow White Cichlid (Pseudotropeus Socolofi) for This red-eyed lady broods her young in her mouth from eggs till small fry. Fits of “white fish.” Named Q-Tip because she is white and was not much larger than the tip of a Q-tip when we got her.

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It's been a minute since I did a Here's my initial exploration of an anglerfish in watercolor pencil.

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Late night This week's theme is "hard-working fishes". Great White Sharks have some of the longest migrations (distance-wise) of any shark species. Individuals have been documented travelling from South Africa to Australia and back again.

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Hey all, I know I said I would paint a shark for reaching 400, and this is all I could muster lately so I'm sorry it's late! But here it is, also counts for
Ref is from The Encyclopedia of Sharks by Steve Parker!

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Wish list shark species for this weeks A repaint of an old painting I did a few years ago.

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An ornamental Sumatra barb for this week's
These little fish are mid water swimmers in aquariums, so they're a great addition to community tanks with surface level and floor level inhabitants!

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Unfinished Bluehead Chub for This fathers day, spare a thought for the fish that, using only his mouth and a lot of determination, builds a huge mound of stones (often several feet across in less than 24h!) to protect his eggs, and guards them until they hatch.

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A couple of spring spawners for this week's A white sucker and a rainbow trout.

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Reposting some endangered/ threatened species for this week's Earth Day-themed Yellowfin Tuna (Near Threatened), Whale Shark (Endangered), Australian Lungfish (Endangered), West Indian Ocean Coelacanth (Critically Endangered) 🐟🦈🐠

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My best sketch from and my entry to Skull of Saurodon leanus.

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The "infamous" Red Bellied Piranha for this week's Maybe one of the most misrepresented fish ever (along with several sharks). Piranha swim in schools as a means of protecting themselves from larger predators as opposed to it being a hunting strategy. 🐟

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Combining themes for Yellow perch females lay strings/ribbons of eggs during the spring mating season. (Also belated congrats to !)

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A repost of a nurse shark for I had fun with trying a new technique. Nurse sharks are ovoviviparous: they gestate embryos inside eggs for six months before birthing around 20 pups.

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Went off-theme for today's Here are a few different varieties of the most famous livebearer fish - Guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Illustrating tail fins was real fun, looking forward to draw more varieties.!!

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Like , I also picked a forehead brooding nurseryfish (Kurtus gulliveri) for Father’s Day See their post for egg placement. Read that this strategy may keep the eggs out of hypoxic/anoxic conditions.
I liked the colors quite a bit.

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Humbled for your kind words, ! Will gladly QRT on this and nominate other inspiring and creative souls. Here are a few fav memories over the ages, beyond Now I direct you to the talented ! [1/2]

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Bottom dwellers was this week’s theme for I immediately started looking at Siluriformes❤️
Hara jerdoni - a small (2.5-4 cm) bottom dweller from NE India and Bangladesh.

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Watercolor of a Clown Triggerfish for this I have never sketched Triggerfishes (Balistidae) or Filefishes (Monacanthidae) so the of “Pick a species of triggerfish or filefish and draw away” was a real challenge for me.

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Super early christmassy Falalalalalalalala!

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