another wip of working on of an drawing of my wifeys () lol version of self 🌸💗🐰 love it(As always design too damn gorgeous 😩) as well as drawing it tho taking forever bc im slow as shit.

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Bunny Princess -
In a way no sense in posting here due need to change some of an stuff yet here we go anyways of an i guess aaa ?
an art piece of my gorgeous princess 🐰💗

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우리 준먀니..생일축하해💕💕❤🎂❤💕💕
언제나 응원하고있어🤗

676 418

세상에서 가장 소중한 수호의 생일을 축하합니다 🎉
오늘 하루 그 누구보다 행복한 하루 보내길.. 🙏

194 82

✨우리 준며니 토끼완쟈님✨
🐰28번째 생일 추카해💕
🎂준며니 하고싶은거 다 해!🎉

683 346