"The McMisery (#McDonalds) and the Deforestation Alliance (#RainforestAlliance)". Their business model is cruel and exploitative! Created by from Mexico for We demand NOW!

5 9

Thirty years after the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted there are hundreds of millions of children that don't have the right to play. They work to produce cheap coffee, cocoa, tea, etc , Colombia, for

21 51

Journalists from UK documented child labor in the "certified" coffee plantations that supply Image "Coffee Pig" created by from Mexico for Mr , Child labor is cruel and illegal!

6 12

asked cartoonists from all over the world to sharpen their pencils to protest in defense of the poor children exploited as cheap child labor. ZERO! Cartoon by

7 15

asked cartoonists from all over the world to sharpen their pencils to protest in defense of the poor children exploited as cheap child labor. means ZERO! Cartoon by , Kenya

6 15

asked cartoonists from all over the world to sharpen their pencils to protest in defense of the poor children exploited as cheap child labor. 's cruel business model as seen by , Mexico

22 34

asked cartoonists from all over the world to sharpen their pencils to protest in defense of the poor children exploited as cheap child labor. Certified by Mexico means ZERO

10 11

asked cartoonists from all over the world to sharpen their pencils to protest in defense of poor children exploited as cheap child labor. The human cost of Fairtrade by , Colombia means ZERO!

20 25

asked cartoonists from all over the world to sharpen their pencils to protest in defense of the poor children exploited as cheap child labor. means ZERO! Thank you for cartoon "I want to go to school!"

9 15

asked cartoonists from all over the world to sharpen their pencils to protest in defense of the poor children exploited as cheap child labor: EU & Africa, Latam & Asia, by , France means ZERO!

12 17

For the asked cartoonists from all over the world to sharpen their pencils to protest in defense of the poor children exploited as cheap child labor. by means ZERO! cc.

158 273

La vérité sur le de l'UE. Créé par pour à l'occasion de la Journée mondiale contre le travail des enfants. Mme. M. M. , ZÉRO TRAVAIL DES ENFANTS! means ZERO!

5 8

La vérité sur le de l'UE, Créé par pour à l'occasion de la Journée mondiale contre le travail des enfants. Mme. M. M. , ZÉRO TRAVAIL DES ENFANTS. means ZERO!

4 9

We just recieved this cartoon by Kostas with THE TRUTH ABOUT Thank you Kostas for fighting against child labor in the chocolate industry. The is June 12th. Child labor in cocoa has increased in the last decade!

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