DC, sometimes I think you know me too well! ...today I can only say: thank you for these covers!💙💙💙😍

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This is Haldemeer Arzei Aun Innesvrea of the archducal house, the high priest of one of the biggest monasteries in the duchy he hails from…

…where he hides all the gays and pretends that the people use the cloisters to “pray”

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The last of the core cast in Project Alternative. Alan Schneider and Daphnel Elucidine Clois. As for what their roles are... well, all things in due time.

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Angie Dickinson, byname Angeline (b. 30 Sep 1931), American attress.

"Attained a kind of hipster-chick primacy in the rarified cloister of swinging, swanky showbiz royalty."

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Meet 's character: Cos! (drawn by Pepe) He's our resident "priest with a glock" who left his cloistered society to pursue fame & glory in the city's most popular AR sport.

1st session of Block Busters tonight at 9 EDT, on https://t.co/4UPhArbh5P!

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Join the campaign to put the back in S3. Over the next 84 days, I’ll be sharing my favorite L&C moments to inspire the show to refocus on Day 64 Action Comics Vol. 4 The New World

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Join the campaign to put the back in S3. Over the next 84 days, I’ll be sharing my favorite L&C moments to inspire the show to refocus on Day 56 Vol 5 Hopes and Fears

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Join the campaign to put the back in S3. Over the next 84 days, I’ll be sharing my favorite L&C moments to inspire the show to refocus on Day 54 Secret Origin

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Join the campaign to put the back in S3. Over the next 84 days, I’ll be sharing my favorite L&C moments to inspire the show to refocus on Day 53 The Rebirth Book 1

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Join the campaign to put the back in S3. Over the next 84 days, I’ll be sharing my favorite L&C moments to inspire the show to refocus on Day 52 Action Comics Vol. 1 Path of Doom

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Join the campaign to put the back in S3. Over the next 84 days, I’ll be sharing my favorite L&C moments to inspire the show to refocus on Day 50 Enemy of the People

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Tarot of the Cloisters
Created and Illustrated by Michelle Leavitt

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Join the campaign to put the back in S3. Over the next 84 days, I’ll be sharing my favorite L&C moments to inspire the show to refocus on Day 49 Enemy of the People

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Join the campaign to put the back in S3. Over the next 84 days, I’ll be sharing my favorite L&C moments to inspire the show to refocus on Day 45 Enemy of the People

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Took a trip to Norwich and found the perfect quiet space to draw in the cathedral cloisters.

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