10. Villain Ocs?
AUDACIA, Doctor, Lady Red, Altair, Deimos, Star, Sunmi, the scorpion twins, and a whole facility-

Ari (my fursona can be considered villain too since he is a literall mass murderer)

0 0

When the Principality of Dacia invades with only land troops:

0 9

Sometimes family is a demon too insufferable for Hell and his newly angelically-ascended brother

Dacian belongs to !

0 1

heres some meme redraws ive done recently as warmups (featuring gad'rovere and dacia)

3 9

Al dormir, Frida se embarca hacía aventuras en sus sueños y como toda una pirata se enfrenta a sus pesadillas con total audacia.

Parte de mi proyecto "Wáay"

9 186

Por eso, gran Lama, creo que tu discurso está intercambiado. ha tenido la fe que mueve montañas, pero el del fervor de la amistad y la audacia es más héroe que el mismo héroe..

2 15

One best angel for tonight

Dacian belongs to

0 1

Qualunque cosa tu possa fare, qualunque sogno tu possa sognare, comincia. L’audacia reca in sé genialità, magia e forza. Comincia ora.

🎨dal web

183 278

“El pensamiento en tiempos de crisis es el pensamiento descubridor y las virtudes del descubridor han sido siempre dos, algo contradictorias en apariencia: audacia y humildad. Hay que atreverse a todo con la conciencia de la propia limitación(…)”

3 8

(Daciana Athanasia)







(Please post your OC information down below & the poll will be added afterwards.)

17 47

Una donna non può far finta
di non essere donna. Ed essere donna
significa conoscere la propria soggezione,
significa vivere e respirare la degradazione
e il disprezzo di sé che si può superare
solo con fatiche dolorose e lagrime nere.

Dacia Maraini

7 12

Tia Dacia (ティア・ダチア) is an utaite with an upcoming VCV UTAU nearing completion. She was configured by NakoTalk, who also configured Hako. I'm not sure if they're siblings or mirrors or something but there's also a boy voice by the same person

0 2

Happy 7th to !! Were it not for Destiny coming into my life when it did, I wouldn't have figured out that I want to go into concept art for video games, and my love for weapons would have died long ago.

Thank you,
Per Audacia Ad Astra.

2 19