[ TES Morrowind ]
When Dagoth dreams and Dark Brotherhood assassins wake you up for the 358368012th time

4 13

Ive been held at gun point to draw NPC Dagoth booba

3 15

Who'd you rather fight The Dagoths of Morrowind or The Dragon Priests of Skyrim??

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"Friend or traitor, come. Come and look upon the Heart, and Akulakhan. And bring Wraithguard... I have need of it."

Little doodle. 🌋

8 30

i'm more of a dagoth ur kinda guy myself

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Rhoeas Dagoth, 24, realize something finally.

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i love that dagoth ur is supposed to be rebuilding the Numidium but also he sucks at it

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i uh. drew catboy dagoth ur. it came to me in a single insane thought at like 2am yesterday i dont remember the time tbh

5 10

how many dagoth urs does it take to stop a nerevarine? quite a lot, it turns out!

12 145

Yours and Dagoth's comments always gave me the euphoric release. It's the best review to this day, guysss

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Random Ira Wendagoth pic. I Freaking LOVE him! This is actually a sketch i ended up finishing while working on another pic of the Nightmare King. Second pic will follow this one tonight.

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Drew a Voryn Dagoth after reading a lovely fic ♥

The young sorcerer must be beautiful in life. The finest robes, immaculate makeup, 5 inch acrylic nails and 6 inch heels! So it's all the better when he dies as Dagoth Ur and becomes old, decrepit, and diseased.

15 44

I noticed that Bözdram has a mask design somewhat similar to that of Dagoth Ur from Morrowind, so I decided to draw this little non-canon thing.

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POV: You are one of the last Heirs of House Dagoth.

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I was listening to Dagothwave had to draw that goon

3 23

felt like drawing what that pleasant fellow ira wendagoth looks like in my head

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Your favourite otp:
expectation reality

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Vyns foster father: Vyn, what did House Dagoth teach you ?


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Dagoth-senpai..... do you want to look upon the heart.... together?

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