Happy Egg Day.
I thought I would draw something quick for Easter. I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

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Frank Reynolds illustration.
I am working on a t shirt
kickstarter for these illustrations!
So comment below if you're excited for this upcoming kickstarter!

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every dwarf is a perfect match for that still of DannydeVito.
(a silly icon i made for a friend and his wizard dwarf)

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Happy Birthday to one of my favorite actors ever, !!!

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If you've ever seen Danny Devito as The Trashman, you'll know he'll do a bang up job as The Wolverine.

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...I expected the Mr. Mime interrogation to go much differently.

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I Drew My Boy Because I Felt Sad When Danny Devito Fell While Presenting Dumbo Because He Had The Most Saddest Face And I Was Like Aw Danny Please Don't Look Sad Danny My Heart Cant Handle It. D: Anyway I Hope You All Like It. :)

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remember who you are

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Today is a national holiday...so I made art!

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If Always Sunny in Philadelphia was a Hanna Barbera cartoon

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It's Here are some Birb fan art done by , featuring Elvis Birbley, Birb Ross, and Danny DeBirbo!
Keep those fan arts coming ❤

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