Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born in 1712. We have a large collection of related material, from the libraries of Ralph Leigh & Robert Wokler, including this work by Rousseau inscribed by him to d'Alambert, co-editor of the Encyclopédie with Diderot

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Not quite a *Hallmark Moment* but 💯 % "The Drunken Cobbler" 1776-79. On view

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We think that this image, from Diderot's Encyclopédie, is perfect for

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Portrait of Denis Diderot (1769) by Jean-Honoré Fragonard; 1732

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Noi che amiamo Voltaire e Diderot

cercando il giusto in Robespierre

e perdoniamo tutto a Baudelaire ...


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Portrait of the French philosopher Denis Diderot (1769 circa)

Jean-Honoré Fragonard

Louvre-Lens - Pas-de-Calais


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There is only one passion , the passion for happiness . By

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Diderot fu molto severo con un ormai "tracotante e privo di talento" pittore francese Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre

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–“El dibujo es el que da la forma a los seres; el color es el que le da la vida.” Denis Diderot, seguimos trabajando!

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