"No man has received from nature the right to command his fellow human beings."

Denis Diderot


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"No man has received from nature the right to command his fellow human beings."

Denis Diderot


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"Histoire Naturelle, La Grenouille Mugissante - Le Crapaud Pipa"
Grosse Wabenkröte (Amazonagebiet - Surinam) - Surinam Toad
Hand-colored copper etching from "Encyclopedia" By Denis Diderot (*1713) and Jean Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert (*1717)
Quart edition. Paris, 1751-1772

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Copper engraving from the Encyclopedia by D. Diderot and J. d'Alembert. It was published in Paris ca 1770.

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“On ne sait jamais ce que le ciel
veut ou ne veut pas, et il n'en sait
peut-être rien lui-même."
-Denis Diderot

-Outside the Window. Inside the Soul.
by Randy Burns

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"Histoire Naturelle, La Grenouille Mugissante - Le Crapaud Pipa"
Nordamerikanischer Ochsenfrosch - Lithobates catesbeianus - American Bullfrog
from "Encyclopedia" By Denis Diderot (1713-1784
and Jean Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert (1717-17839
Quart edition. Paris, 1751-1772

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Frosch, Frog, Rana, Crapaud Pipa, Ochsenfrosch, Bullfrog, Grenouille Muggisante
Hand-colored copper etching from "Encyclopedia" By Denis Diderot (1713-1784)

and Jean Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert (1717-17839

Quart edition. Paris, 1751-1772

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"Du desarmement sur le Coup de quarte ou de seconde pare de prime. Plate 38 " & "Escrime"
Copper engravings from the Encyclopedia by D. Diderot and J. d'Alembert. It was published in Paris ca 1770.

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"Metallurgie, Fer Blanc"
Weissblech, Blechdosen, Tin, Hoja de Lata, Bianco, Forging, Schmieden
Copper engraving from the Encyclopedia by D. Diderot and J: L'Ambert.
Published in Paris in several editions ca 1770.

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"Histoire Naturelle"
"Fig. 1. Elephant...."

Copper engraving from the Encyclopedia by D. Diderot and J. d'Alembert. It was published in Paris ca 1770.

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Copper engraving from the Encyclopedia by D. Diderot and J. d'Alembert. It was published in Paris ca 1770
"L'Ecole des Armes, avec l'explication générale des princpales attitudes et positions concernant l'Escrime.
Published 1763.

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Copper engraving from the Encyclopedia by D. Diderot and J. d'Alembert. It was published in Paris ca 1770.

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Denis Diderot, French philosophe & editor of the Encyclopédie, is 's


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Korang pernah beli something, lepas beli benda tu tiba-tiba terbeli banyak lagi benda baru yang sebelum ni korang tak pernah beli pun?

Contohnya, nak pergi kedai DIY sebab nak beli hammer, sekali terbeli tikar, cangkul, charger phone, makanan-

277 500

« La mer mugit, les vents sifflent, le tonnerre gronde, la lueur sombre et pâle des éclairs perce la nue, montre et dérobe la scène. » (Diderot)

Prenons le temps de contempler les peintures marines d'Auguste Mayer. Le peintre est né le 3 ou 5 juillet 1805.

7 24

Bon courage aux lycéens qui passent l'épreuve de philo demain matin. 💪

Platon, Épicure, Sénèque, Montaigne, Pascal, Kant, Bentham, Nietzche, Aristote, Hobbes, Spinoza, Diderot, Montesquieu, Tocqueville, Mill, Thoreau, Sartre et Arendt seront tous là pour vous inspirer ! 📝📓

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"Histoire Naturelle"
"Fig. 1. Elephant...."
Copper engraving from the Encyclopedia by D. Diderot and J. d'Alembert. It was published in Paris ca 1770.

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Stunning beetles from Diderot's Encyclopaedia.
Copper etching from "Histoire Naturelle", published 1751 in Paris. https://t.co/3pLYfmjYFX

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"Histoire Naturelle, La Mugissante - Le Crapaud Pipa"

Hand-colored copper etching from "Encyclopedia" By Denis Diderot (1713-1784)
and Jean Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert
Quart edition. Paris, 1751-1772

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愛はそれを持っている人から精神を奪い、それを持っていない人にそれを与えます。-Denis Diderot

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