My contribution to featuring Hilda as the ever fabulous Jenna Marbles
Fire Emblem gives me life and this tag makes it all the better.

28 61

I have made yet another and this one might be my favorite one yet

3 21

I love Marianne but this was too good not to do

2073 4344

I hope I'm not late with this or smth
and I hope I'm doing it right too xD

187 502

Claude every time Byleth evades direct questions about their backstory...

57 139

My contribution to the thing. Bonus points if you understood the reference, and huge props for Joe's amazing stream which just ended not too long ago btw.

14 39

Having played so much lately, I gotta draw best boy! A smol rendition of his usual expression + Minnie ears, Claude is absolutely perfect, though his colour scheme is so difficult to pin down 😭

7 10

My contribution to
Took me long enough lol

2479 7333

I have no excuse for this.

Byleth is on probation.


68 230

When everyone says Death Knight is dangerous and can't be killed

43 94

When you’re tryna S support now, but you gotta wait until after the war is over

1921 4384

I thought i wasn’t gonna be able to draw anything today, but in honor of ‘s stream, i did another

21 48

[artpost] am i late for ?????? did someone do this one already????? either way i was completely possessed by this concept and i couldn't be released until it was finished

94 181